US Embassy Morocco - Job offers for the American diplomatic mission in Morocco


Several job opportunities at the American Embassy in Rabat are currently available. If you have the necessary skills to perform the required activity, do not hesitate to apply.

Conditions to apply for a job at the Embassy in Rabat.

Job offers at the American diplomatic mission are open without discriminatory conditions, according to the press release on the embassy's website. Subsequently, foreigners living in Morocco can also apply for these vacancies.

The U.S. Mission in Morocco provides fair and equal employment opportunities and treatment to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, political affiliation, marital status or sexual orientation.

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US Embassy Morocco

The qualifications required are determined by the ability to perform the various job tasks.

List of current vacancies

Public engagement specialist

The U.S. Embassy in Rabat is seeking eligible and qualified candidates for the position of Public Engagement Officer in the Public Affairs Section.
* Work schedule for this position Full-time attendance (40 hours per week).
* Start date The candidate must be able to start work within a reasonable time (6 weeks) of receiving the agency's authorization and/or authorizations/certifications.
* Application deadline : 29/03/2022.

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Salary Approximately 30,000 Moroccan dirhams per month / More than 3,000 USD.

Level of education required : A university degree in political science, economics, international relations, communications, American studies or a related field is required.

Information Management Assistant

The U.S. Embassy in Rabat is seeking eligible and qualified candidates for the position ofinformation management assistant in the information management section (IMO).

* Work schedule for this position Full-time attendance (40 hours per week).
* Start date August 2022.
* Application deadline : 05/04/2022.

Salary US $38,894 per year / approx. 30,000 dirhams per month.

Level of education required : A minimum of two years of university studies is required.

How do I apply for a job at the embassy?

You must use the online application system (ERA).

Click here to access the ERA (Electronic Recruitment Application) system:
(Direct link to the jobs listed in this article).
Check the job description to see if you're qualified.
Create an ERA account (link to registration and account creation):
Log on to ERA and apply.
NB: To be considered, all applications and supporting documents must be submitted via ERA.

This video explains how to use the ERA (Electronic Recruitment Application) platform to apply for vacancies at US diplomatic missions.

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4 Responses

  1. Hello. My name is Abdallah Rashad. I am 29 years old. I live in Rabat. I have international certificates in the field of self-defense and close protection from international experts affiliated with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as well as being the commander of the division in charge of VIP security.

  2. Good evening
    I am a Moroccan woman married and mother of two children I have a baccalaureate level modern letter and I have a diploma in computer office automation as well as a diploma caregiver and an aid for autistic children I wish to immigrate to Canada. Finland.belgium or France urgently for personal reasons.
    Thank you for helping me please in case of need thank you to contact me by mail on the

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