Should I send my CV in PDF or Word format (.doc or .docx)?


The choice of format for your CV may not seem important to you, but it's actually a crucial detail that can make all the difference when applying for a job. Word (.doc or .docx) and PDF are the two most commonly used formats for sending a CV. Once you've spent hours writing your CV, the question arises as to which format you should choose to send it to the recruiter. Should you choose Word or PDF?

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Technically, you can export it and send it in Word format (.doc or .docx), PDF format or even as an image (.jpg, .png etc.), but which of these formats should you choose? In this article, we'll help you choose between Word and PDF to send your CV, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each format.

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The advantages of sending a CV in Word format

There are two main advantages to using Word format: firstly, because it's easy to modify, and secondly, because some ATS (Applicant Tracking System) software can't read a PDF document properly or easily. In fact, a document that is not ATS-compatible is strongly discouraged, unless you're planning to send your CV to a small structure or company that rarely recruits and most likely doesn't use this kind of software. It's worth noting that more than half of all professionals and major recruiters use this kind of program to facilitate CV searches, which is why it's so important to take great care when drawing up your CV.

An editable CV in Word format is preferable if you're sending it to a recruitment agency. A recruitment intermediary may need to correct or modify it by adding their logo, for example, before sending it back to the client company looking for your profile.

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The advantages of sending a CV in Word format

  • Easy editing: Word format is easy to edit, which is an advantage if you're sending the CV to a recruitment agency. A recruitment intermediary may need to correct or modify the CV by adding their logo, for example, before sending it back to the client company looking for your profile.
  • Compatible with ATS: Some application management systems (ATS) cannot read PDF documents correctly. By using the Word format, you can avoid this problem.

The disadvantages of sending a CV in Word format

  • Formatting and layout: Word format is not always guaranteed to retain its original formatting and layout when opened on another device. This can lead to readability and presentation problems.
  • Virus risk: Word format is more vulnerable to computer viruses than PDF format. So it's important to make sure your CV is virus-free before sending it.

The advantages of sending your CV in PDF format

A few years ago, when PDF documents first appeared, this format required a PDF reader that was not always installed on the receiver's machine. In 2021, this problem no longer exists. PDF documents are easy to open and read, even better than WORD documents. It's also easier to follow the links in a PDF than in a Word document. The links could be to your achievements, your LinkedIn profile, or simply your e-mail.

The main other advantage of PDF is that the formatting, layout and design won't change, whatever device it's opened on. It will look the same on a mobile, tablet or desktop computer, and text will not distort or overlap. When it comes to printing, this advantage is of the utmost importance.

The advantages of sending your CV in PDF format

  • Formatting, layout and design will not change when opened on another device
  • It's easier to follow links in PDF documents

The disadvantages of sending a CV in PDF format

  • It may be more difficult to modify it after it has been sent.
  • Some application management systems may have difficulty reading PDF documents correctly.

So which should you choose, a .doc or .pdf CV or an image?

So, logically, you'll have understood that sending a CV in image format is absolutely out of the question, as it can't be edited, isn't legible and isn't compatible with ATS. The real duel is between PDF and Word CV formats.

These days, it's unlikely that an ATS can't read PDF, unless the recruiter has neglected to update his system. Both formats offer advantages that set them apart.

If you're not sure what type of file to send, call or e-mail the recruiter. If you can't reach him/her, send a Word copy and a PDF copy.

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5 Responses

  1. Bonjour Madame et Monsieur je suis tchadien moi et ma femme nous sommes intéressés à immigrer au usa

    1. Hello Madam Sir my name is younousse sané age 20 I am interested in immigrating to Portugal

  2. I am interested in immigrating to Portugal for work, I am a deliveryman with 2 months of internship and 2 years of experience.

  3. A good article,
    If you're looking to download professional CV templates to boost your career, here's a relevant link: (

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