10 Tips for a successful online job interview


Visit online interviews are becoming more and more common, whether for remote jobs or face-to-face positions. While this can be practical and save time and money, it can also be tricky to prepare an online interview in the right way. The codes and rules are not the same as face-to-face, and you need to take into account the specificities of this form of communication. In this article, we'd like to share with you our tips for a successful online interview. We'll look at technical aspects as well as behavioral aspects. Follow these tips to give yourself the best chance of success for your remote maintenance !

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Prepare yourself as you would for a face-to-face interview

To succeed in an online interview, you need to prepare as you would for a face-to-face interview. This means researching the company and the position you're applying for, practicing answers to common questions and preparing examples of your professional experience and achievements. If you prepare yourself in this way, you'll be better able to satisfy the recruiter's questions and highlight your skills and know-how.

Test your equipment before servicing

To avoid unpleasant surprises during the online interview, it's important to test your equipment before the session begins. Make sure your computer, webcam and microphone are working properly. If you encounter any technical problems, you'll have time to resolve them before the interview. By testing your equipment in advance, you'll be able to concentrate on your interview and not be disrupted by technical problems.

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Make sure your video conferencing software (e.g. Skype) is installed and tested before the interview. Also remember to deactivate all notifications from your computer or smartphone.

Take care when using videoconferencing tools

Particularly during an online meeting, make sure you're familiar with the videoconferencing tool. Check that all functions are activated and that you know how to use the various options. Not knowing how to use certain functions, or not understanding the recruiter's suggested modus operandi, can give the impression that you're not competent or that you don't pay attention to detail. Professional use of the tool will demonstrate your ability to work efficiently and adapt to new situations.

Choose a suitable, well-lit location for maintenance.

The environment in which you conduct your online interview can have an impact on the impression you make on the recruiter. Make sure you prepare the workspace so that it is professional and suitable for the interview. Make sure that the background is professional and orderly. Avoid visual distractions that could divert the recruiter's attention.

A noisy or poorly lit environment can distract the recruiter and compromise your performance at the interview. By choosing a quiet, well-lit location, you'll be able to concentrate on the interview and make a good impression on the recruiter.

Look at the camera, not your computer screen

During a remote interview, instead of looking at the screen, look at your computer's webcam. This creates the illusion of looking directly into the recruiter's eyes, which can be more convincing and pleasant for him or her.

To look at the camera, you can try positioning your computer at a height that allows you to look naturally at the camera. You can also place a small note or marker on your screen just above the camera to help you decide where to look.

In addition, you need to adopt good posture and not move around too much during the interview, so as not to distract the recruiter's attention. Try to remain calm and confident, and look at the camera regularly, but not constantly.

Pay attention to your elocution

You need to pay particular attention to your elocution during an online interview, as it can influence how the recruiter perceives your personality and professionalism. Follow these tips to improve your oral expression during an online interview:

  • Speak slowly and clearly, articulating every word. This will make it easier for the recruiter to understand you and avoid having to ask you to repeat yourself.
  • Pause between each sentence to allow the recruiter to follow your speech and ask questions if they wish.
  • Avoid speaking too quickly or stuttering, as this can give a false impression of nervousness or lack of confidence.
  • Pay attention to your tone of voice and expression. Speak with conviction and passion to show your interest in the job and your commitment.
  • Practice speaking before the interview by recording yourself or having a friend listen to you. This will help you identify and correct any speech problems.

Adopt good posture

During an online interview, good posture is essential. Stand up straight, with both feet flat on the floor, and look into your computer camera. This will give a good impression and show that you're attentive and professional. Avoid crossing your arms or playing with your fingers, which could be interpreted as signs of nervousness or discomfort. Good posture will show your confidence and commitment to the interview.

Wait your turn to speak

Waiting for your turn to speak is a wise recommendation in an online interview, just as it is in a face-to-face one. It shows that you listen carefully and respect others.

Let the recruiter speak, don't interrupt him or her, and don't speak at the same time. If you have a question or a point to add, wait until the recruiter has finished speaking before taking the floor.

In short, the basic rules of communication during an online interview are important to demonstrate your professionalism and ability to work as part of a team.

Be patient if technical problems arise

During an online interview, it's important to remain calm and patient, especially if the Internet connection is slow or there are technical problems. It can be frustrating and unsettling, but losing your cool or getting upset will only make the situation worse and damage your professional image. If you encounter technical problems, stay calm and don't panic. take the time to diagnose the problem and find a workaround, and if you're having trouble hearing or being heard, don't hesitate to ask the recruiter to repeat himself or to speak louder.

By behaving appropriately when something unexpected happens, you'll show the recruiter that you're professional and capable of dealing with the unexpected with calm and composure, which will help you succeed in your online interview.

Follow up after the interview

After an online interview, it's important to follow up, whether to thank the recruiter for the opportunity or to provide additional information to help them make a decision. The following tips will help you follow up after an online interview:

  • Send a thank-you e-mail to the recruiter within 24 to 48 hours of the interview. In this e-mail, thank the recruiter for the opportunity and remind him/her of the strengths of your application.
  • If the recruiter requests additional information or documents, be sure to send them promptly and check that they have been received.
  • If you forgot to mention something during the interview, or if you have new information to add, don't hesitate to let the recruiter know in your follow-up e-mail.
  • And if the recruiter hasn't given you a specific date for his or her decision, don't hesitate to ask when you can expect an answer.

By following these tips, you can ensure effective follow-up after your online interview and show the recruiter that you're interested in and motivated by the job. It can also help you keep in touch with the recruiter and track the progress of your application. Don't forget that follow-up is an important step in any recruitment process and can help you demonstrate your professionalism and commitment.

Don't forget to revise your CV and cover letter.

Before an interview, it's essential to review your CV and cover letter. This will enable you to recall your achievements and key skills, and better answer the recruiter's questions. Take the time to reread your CV and cover letter, and highlight the strong points of your profile. By reviewing your application before the interview, you'll be better prepared and able to highlight your skills more effectively.
Examine the job description and selection criteria to make sure you can meet the recruiter's expectations.


In conclusion, an online interview can be a challenge for candidates, but by following a few simple tips and preparing properly, you can succeed in convincing the recruiter of your potential and motivation. Remember to test your equipment before the interview, review your CV and cover letter, pay attention to your elocution, wait your turn to speak and remain calm and patient in the event of technical problems. Finally, don't forget to follow up after the interview to thank the recruiter and provide further information if required. If you follow these tips, you'll be well prepared to succeed in your online interview and land the job you want.

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