Sectors in demand in Switzerland in 2023: opportunities for cross-border workers


In Switzerland, companies are facing growing challenges in recruiting skilled people, despite the ever-increasing attractiveness of the Swiss labor market. According to the latest Swiss Job Index by Michael PageAt a time when the Swiss job market is growing steadily and companies are investing heavily in attracting and retaining qualified professionals, the race to recruit new employees is intensifying, with demand outstripping supply in a large number of professional fields. For candidates and cross-border commutersThis is good news.

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The Swiss job market in 2022: figures in favor of future employees

With a unemployment rate of 2.2% the lowest in 20 years, both the secondary sector (industry) and the tertiary sector (services) are experiencing severe recruitment constraints. The Swiss Employers' Association (UPS) predicts that, in the long term, there could be a shortfall of almost half a million workers, and that the situation is unlikely to improve over the next ten years.

The largest number of jobs are to be found in the cantons of Geneva, Vaud and Valais, particularly in the following sectors: banking and insurance, healthcare, hotels and restaurants (business and leisure), chemicals, construction and highly-skilled industries (high-end watchmaking, mechatronics and biotechnology).

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According to the figures presented by Swiss Job Index by Michael PageSwiss job seekers have reason to be optimistic for the year 2023.

The report shows that year-on-year growth in published job vacancies is +8.5 % nationwide, a figure that equals pre-Covid annual growth rates. All of the country's regions reported strong growth in job postings, led by the manufacturing-oriented Central (Lucerne, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz, Uri, Zug) and Northern (Aargau, Basel-Landschaft, Basel-Stadt, Berne) regions. They reported growth of +16.7 % and +15.9 % respectively. All other regions recorded positive annual growth in job advertisements.

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The report also shows that demand for many specialist positions in 2022 will outstrip supply, with increases of over 20 % for job categories such as administration, logistics, IT, technical production and finance.

The report also highlights the emergence of new job categories, with an increase in published jobs of 30.1 % in the energy sector and 19.7 % in specialized fields such as environmental technologies. Other new job categories, such as ethics and medical legislation, are emerging to keep pace with new developments in the sector.

Local production jobs have increased significantly as companies seek to secure their supply chains. Job advertisements in manufacturing and industrial production show one of the highest annual growth rates of any category, with year-on-year growth of over 20 %.

These figures show that the Swiss employment is in good health and offers numerous opportunities for job seekers in Switzerland.

Sectors with high recruitment potential in Switzerland in 2023

The Swiss job market is constantly evolving, and many sectors have experienced significant growth in recent years. By 2023, certain sectors will be particularly attractive for job seekers in Switzerland. Here are the sectors offering strong recruitment opportunities:

Sales staff

With economic growth in Switzerland and increased investment in sales jobs, the sales staff profession should offer good recruitment opportunities in 2023. Typical tasks include prospecting for customers, presenting products, negotiating contracts and managing relationships with existing customers. Skills required for this job include strong persuasive skills, good communication, active listening and in-depth knowledge of the products or services on offer.

Chemistry and pharmaceuticals

The chemicals and pharmaceuticals sector is one of the most dynamic in Switzerland, with many internationally renowned companies having a growing need for qualified personnel, particularly in the fields of research and development, production and project management. The most sought-after professions in this sector are chemical engineers, researchers, laboratory technicians and project managers.

Finance and insurance

The finance and insurance sector is also highly developed in Switzerland, with many banks, insurance companies and asset management firms constantly looking for profiles to recruit. The most sought-after professions in this sector are financial analysts, portfolio managers, investment advisors and regulatory compliance experts.

Information and communication technologies

The information and communication technology (ICT) sector is growing steadily in Switzerland, with numerous startups and high-tech companies. The most sought-after professions in this sector are software developers, network engineers, cybersecurity experts and artificial intelligence specialists.

Health and social services

The health and social care sector is constantly evolving in Switzerland, with a growing need for qualified personnel to cope with an aging population. The most sought-after professions in this sector are doctors, nurses, social workers and therapists.

Hotels and restaurants

The hotel and restaurant sector is also highly developed in Switzerland, with many internationally renowned hotels and restaurants. The most sought-after professions in this sector are chefs, waiters, receptionists and hotel managers.

Building and public works

The building and civil engineering sector is in high demand for skilled workers in Switzerland. Construction projects for infrastructure such as roads, bridges and tunnels, as well as residential and commercial buildings, have increased demand for skilled workers such as masons, carpenters, electricians and plumbers. The sector is constantly evolving with new technologies and innovative construction methods, making it an attractive one for people looking for stimulating challenges.


The Swiss job market offers a wealth of opportunities opportunities for job seekers and cross-border commuters in 2023. The figures show stable growth in the job market, with a significant increase in job vacancies posted in all regions of the country.

For job seekers, focusing on in-demand job categories such as administration, logistics, IT, technical production and finance is a better approach to finding a job easily. Companies are actively seeking qualified professionals in these fields, offering opportunities for those looking to develop their careers.

For cross-border commuters, it's essential to first understand the specific regulations and requirements of each canton, and then focus your research on job opportunities in the cantons in question, and the professions in high demand in these regions. The cantons of Geneva, Vaud and Valais are key regions for employment in banking and insurance, healthcare, hotels and restaurants, chemicals, construction and highly-skilled industries such as watchmaking, mechatronics and biotechnology.

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11 Responses

  1. Bonjour je cherche un travail j'ai la main d'oeuvre de tout tube de travail 23ans fort bon santé 5ans d'expérience algérien

  2. Good evening. I'm an IT support and network information specialist with 12 years' experience.

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