According to theIRCCIn 2022, the country welcomed over 430,00 new permanent residents, the highest number of new permanent residents in the country's history. According to government figures, between January and October of this year, 387,560 newcomers settled in Canada, including 57,450 in Quebec. This represents the highest number of people admitted in a single year in Canadian history, surpassing the previous record of 406,040 in 2021.
Read also:
Some Canadian immigration statistics
ImmigrationCitizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is the Government of Canada agency responsible for managing immigration to Canada. Here are some key statistics on immigration to Canada published by IRCC:
- In 2020, the Canada welcomed some 339,000 immigrants permanent.
- Permanent immigrants represented approximately 8.8 % of Canada's total population in 2020.
- The main countries of origin of permanent immigrants to Canada in 2020 were India, China, the Philippines and Pakistan.
- In 2020, Canada welcomed some 71,000 refugees and persons protected under the Geneva Refugee Convention.
- In 2020, Canada welcomed some 221,000 temporary workers and foreign students.
- In 2020, Canada granted citizenship to around 109,000 people.
- In 2020, most permanent immigrants to Canada were skilled workers (about 52 %), followed closely by family members of permanent residents (about 25 %). Refugees and persons protected under the Geneva Convention on Refugees accounted for approximately 12 % of permanent immigrants.
- The provinces and territories that welcomed the most permanent immigrants in 2020 were Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia.
- In 2020, most temporary workers in Canada came from India, the United States and the Philippines.
- In 2020, most foreign students in Canada came from China, India and France.
Canada and immigration, a long history
Immigration to Canada has played an important role in the country's history and growth. Since First Nations and European settlement in the 16th century, Canada has welcomed immigrants from all over the world.
Over the centuries, Canada has seen several major waves of immigration. In the 19th century, many Irish and British immigrants came to Canada to escape poverty and political unrest in their homelands. In the early 20th century, many immigrants from Eastern Europe and Italy settled in Canada. After the Second World War, many immigrants from developing countries came to Canada under government-sponsored immigration programs.
Over the years, Canada has continued to welcome immigrants from all corners of the globe, including refugees fleeing war, persecution and conflict. Today, Canada is a multicultural nation that welcomes some 300,000 immigrants a year.
11 Responses
Je toujour recharche un travail au canada j'ai un diplôme du bac +un crtifica profinionnel dans l'enseignement
I'm looking for a job
I have a tourist visa
Thank you
Hello, I'm a young Senegalese resident of Congo Brazzaville with a heavy goods vehicle license and I'd like to work for a Canadian company.
Bonjour je suis sénégalais je recherche un contrat de travail au Canada je suis chauffeur camion mon souhait de venir de travailler au Canada merci
I want to work
I'm moving to Canada, what are the conditions?
Hi I'm originally from Senegal and I live in Congo Brazzaville. I've tried to register many times but it doesn't work.
I am a truck driver and machine operator. I already have 10 years of experience and I want to continue my experiences in Canada. I am in South Africa.
Je suis bouaziz sami tunisien de 51 ans deplomee mécanique auto et deplomee électricité bâtiment j'ai un expérience de 26 ans cherche immigration au Canada merci whatsapp 21654559943 thank you
J'ai un deplome mécanique auto et deplomee électricité bâtiment cherche du travail ou canada j'habite à tunisie
I have an Immigrant visa and a confirmation of permanent residence. Can I travel with peace of mind since the principal applicant is already in Canada?