Immigration Canada 2023: Start-Up Visa for project leaders and innovative ideas


Turn your idea into a gateway to Canada with the Startup Visa program

Do you have an innovative business idea that could be the key to your entrepreneurial success? If you are able to benefit from the support of one of the designated organizations for the realization of your project, the Startup Canada visa program offers you the opportunity to realize your entrepreneurial goal in Canada. This temporary residency program allows you to start your business in Canada, while giving you the opportunity to settle and live with your family in this dynamic and prosperous country.

To qualify for the Startup Canada visa program, you must demonstrate that your business will benefit the Canadian economy, and that you have the skills and experience to launch and manage your business in Canada. If you meet these criteria and are ready to move to Canada to launch your business, then the Startup Canada visa program may be an attractive option for you. Read on to find out more about immigrating to Canada through this program.

Visa Start-up eligibility criteria

The Startup Visa is a Canadian immigration program designed to encourage the immigration of talented and innovative entrepreneurs. If you have an innovative start-up idea and can get support from one of the designated organizations, you may be eligible for this program.

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To qualify for the Business Start-Up Visa Program, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a viable, innovative project idea The Start-up Canada Visa program is designed to attract innovative entrepreneurs who have a viable project idea that could create economic value in Canada. Your project idea must be innovative and different from existing businesses, and you must be able to demonstrate that your business will be economically viable.
  • Obtain a letter of support from a designated organization Business incubators: you must obtain a letter of support from a designated organization (a venture capital fund, an angel investor group or a designated business incubator) that has been approved to invest in or assist business projects.

To obtain a letter of support, you need to contact the designated organization, convince the organization that your business idea is worth supporting, and obtain a letter of support from the organization. Each designated organization has its own criteria and process for presenting your idea. If a designated organization decides to support you, it will provide you with a letter of support, which you should enclose with your application. The organization will also send an entry certificate to ImmigrationPlease contact the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Refugees and Citizenship Canada (RCC). IRCC will use your letter of support and the organization's certificate of commitment to evaluate your application.

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  • Meeting language requirements To qualify for the Business Start-Up Visa Program (Startup Visa), you must also meet the language requirements. You must achieve a minimum score of 4 on the Government of Canada's Language Proficiency Test (TCL-G) scale in each of the four criteria (reading, writing, listening and speaking) of the English proficiency test or the French proficiency test, depending on the language you have chosen.

The cost of the test varies according to the organization providing it. You must pay the test fee before taking the test. You must provide a copy of your test result with your application.

You must also demonstrate that you have a basic knowledge of one of Canada's two official languages, English or French, at a level sufficient to communicate with your company's customers and suppliers.

  • Leadership and business management skills: Management skills and the ability to run a business are one of the eligibility criteria for the Start-up Canada Visa program. Leadership skills are important for running a business and making important strategic decisions. Similarly, business management skills are essential for effectively managing a company's resources and achieving its objectives.

Demonstrating leadership and business management skills can be done in a variety of ways. For example, you can demonstrate your leadership and business management experience by describing your previous roles in companies or showcasing your professional achievements. You can also demonstrate these skills by presenting a solid, detailed business plan for your business in Canada.

  • Have sufficient funds to cover your living expenses in Canada Canada requires Start-up Canada Visa applicants to have sufficient funds to cover their living expenses in Canada for at least one year. These funds can come from sources such as personal savings, loans or investments.

The amount of money required to cover the costs of living in Canada may vary depending on your family situation and where you live in Canada.

You can be eligible for a short-term work permit if you have received a certificate of commitment and a letter of support from a designated organization. If you meet the eligibility requirements for this work permit, you can apply to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). You do not need to apply for permanent residence before applying for a work permit. However, it is important to note that this short-term work permit is not a means of becoming a permanent resident of Canada, and that you will need to apply separately for permanent residency if you wish to remain in Canada on a long-term basis.

Organizations designated as eligible under the Start-up Canada Visa program

Designated organizations acceptable under the Start-up Canada Visa program are organizations that have been approved by the Government of Canada to support innovative entrepreneurs. These organizations are responsible for selecting and recommending innovative entrepreneurs to the Government of Canada, ensuring that they meet the criteria of innovation and economic viability.

Designated organizations are grouped into three categories: designated venture capital funds, designated angel investor groups and designated business incubators.

Designated venture capital funds are organizations that invest money in start-up companies in exchange for shares in those companies. They are generally designated by the Canadian government and recognized as being able to provide financial and strategic support to start-up companies.

Designated angel investor groups are organizations that invest money in start-ups in exchange for shares in them. They are usually made up of people who invest their own money in start-ups and are recognized as being able to provide financial and strategic support to start-ups.

Designated business incubators are organizations that provide support to start-ups by offering services such as accommodation, mentoring, access to networks and resources, and other related services. They are generally designated by the Canadian government and recognized as being able to provide support to start-ups.

To qualify for the Visa Startup Canada program, you must obtain a letter of support from one of these designated organizations. This letter must be signed by a representative of the organization and must indicate that the organization supports your business project and is willing to help you start and grow your business in Canada.

Examples of venture capital funds designated under the Visa Startup Canada program :

  • BDC Capital
  • Extreme Venture Partners
  • Real Ventures
  • Version One Ventures

Examples of angel investor groups designated under the Visa Startup Canada program :

  • Canadian International Angel Investors
  • Golden Triangle Angel Network
  • Keiretsu Forum Canada

Examples of business incubators designated under the Visa Startup Canada program :

  • MaRS Discovery District
  • Communitech
  • GrowLab

The list is not exhaustive, and there are also other venture capital funds, angel investor groups and designated business incubators that can support your business project through the Startup Canada Visa program. You should research the various options available to find the organization that best suits your needs and your business idea.

The complete list of designated organizations can be found in this link :

Tips for successfully applying for a Start-up Canada Visa: choose a viable, innovative project

The Start-up Canada Visa program is an excellent opportunity for innovative entrepreneurs wishing to set up a business in Canada. If you're interested in this program, it's important to prepare your application carefully to increase your chances of success. Here are a few tips to help you choose a viable, innovative project and prepare a solid application for the Start-up Canada Visa program:

  1. Research your business idea thoroughly: Before applying for a Startup Canada visa, be sure to research your business idea thoroughly. Check whether your idea is viable and innovative, and make sure it has the potential to generate revenue. This step will help you convince investors to back your business and increase your chances of success in Canada.
  2. Make a detailed business plan: a detailed business plan is a document that describes your business idea, your target market, your business model, your marketing strategy, and your financial objectives. It's an essential tool for convincing investors to back your business, and for helping you plan and manage your business once in Canada. Be sure to spend time on your business plan to make it as complete and convincing as possible.
  3. Do your market research: Before you decide on your project, make sure you know your target market and that your project is viable. Research market trends, unmet needs and competition.
  4. Choose a project you're passionate about: It's important to choose a project you're passionate about and motivated to pursue. If you're passionate about your project, you'll be more inclined to persevere and succeed.
  5. Be innovative: The Start-up Canada Visa program is designed to attract innovative entrepreneurs. Make sure your project is innovative and different from what already exists on the market.
  6. Evaluate your experience and skills: Choose a project that highlights your professional experience and skills. If you have experience in a specific field, this could be an asset to your project.
  7. Be realistic: Make sure you choose a project that is realistic and achievable, and that takes into account your resources and constraints. Don't take too many risks, and make sure you have the funds and support you need to succeed.

Visa application procedures for start-ups in Canada

The steps involved in applying for Start-up Visa Canada (Be professional and diligent throughout the Start-up Canada Visa application process. Make sure you meet deadlines and provide all requested documents).

  1. Check your eligibility: Before submitting your application, make sure you meet the eligibility criteria for the Start-up Canada Visa program, such as age, professional experience, proficiency in English or French, and necessary living funds.
  2. Obtain a certificate of commitment and letter of support from a designated organization: To qualify for the Start-up Canada Visa program, you must obtain a certificate of commitment and letter of support from a designated organization, such as a technology park, business incubator or chamber of commerce and industry. This organization must support your work permit application and indicate that your business meets the criteria of innovation and economic viability.
  3. Prepare your application: To submit your Start-up Canada Visa application, you'll need to fill out an online form and provide all the requested documents, such as your certificate of commitment, your letter of support, your business plan and proof of your proficiency in English or French.
  4. Submit your application: Once you've completed the online form and provided all the necessary documents, you can submit your Start-up Canada Visa application.
  5. Wait for the decision on your application: Once your application has been submitted, you will need to wait for the decision on your application. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will review your application and inform you of the decision. If your application is accepted, you will need to complete further steps, such as obtaining your work permit and permanent residence. If your application is refused, you can file a request for review or make a new application if you still meet the eligibility criteria.

The complete guide and application details can be found on this official website:

Business success stories and ideas from the Canada Start-up Visa program

Here are a few examples of companies created thanks to the Start-up Canada Visa program that can give you an idea of how this program has helped innovative entrepreneurs succeed in Canada:

  • Gnowbe : Founded by an Indian entrepreneur, Gnowbe is an e-learning platform that uses artificial intelligence to personalize learning. The company was selected to participate in the Visa Start-up Canada program in 2018 and recently raised funds to develop its product.
  • Klara : Founded by a German entrepreneur, Klara is a telemedicine platform that enables doctors to communicate and work with their patients online. The company was selected to participate in the Visa Start-up Canada program in 2016 and has recently raised funds to develop its product.
  • Geotab : Founded by a South African entrepreneur, Geotab is an information technology company offering vehicle tracking and fleet management solutions for businesses. The company was selected to participate in the Visa Start-up Canada program in 2014 and is now a leading company in its field.

These examples show that the Start-up Canada Visa can be an excellent opportunity for innovative entrepreneurs looking to set up a business in Canada. If you meet the eligibility criteria and have a viable, innovative project, you may be able to succeed with the Start-up Canada Visa program.

When you start a business, you have a lot to learn. Be open to opportunities to learn and develop your skills. This can include attending workshops or training programs, mentoring, or working with experienced professionals. Be proactive in your quest for knowledge and professional development to help your business succeed. We wish you the best of luck on your journey!

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2 Responses

  1. It's not only Canada that offers start-up visas with the possibility of a permanent residency card and the nationality of the host country afterwards.

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