DV Lottery 2025: Why passports won't be required for the US lottery


Visit DV Lotteryor american diversity lotteryhas undergone significant changes in recent years, particularly with regard to the need for applicants to provide a passport. Let's take a look at the details and reasons why a passport is no longer a mandatory requirement for this lottery.

Update A passport is not required to register for DV 2025. However, please ensure that the information you provide when registering is identical to that which is or will be in your passport. For more information, see this article: DV 2025 update, Official date and instructions for 2023 registration unveiled.

A brief introduction

In 2021, the US State Department introduced a new requirement for the DV Lottery A new feature was introduced: the need for applicants to provide a valid passport number. The intention was to combat fraud and ensure that candidates were actually eligible. However, this requirement did not last long, as it was overturned by a federal court in 2022.

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List of information required to complete the DV Lottery 2025 form:

You can find more information on DV Lottery 2025 requirements on the U.S. Department of State website.

Our guide how to enter the U.S. lottery in 2023 (DV Lottery 2025).

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Why the passport requirement was criticized

As soon as it was introduced, this new requirement was strongly criticized. Several groups claimed that it was discriminatory, because it mainly affected people from low-income countries who are less likely to have a passport. Others argued that it excluded those who couldn't afford a passport or couldn't get to an office to apply for one.

Passport requirement waived

A federal court declared the requirement invalid in 2022, not because of criticism, but because of a formal error. The requirement had been introduced by an executive order, considered emergency legislation, and the court ruled that the State Department had no authority to impose such a requirement by this means.

What does this mean for candidates?

Maintenant, les candidats à la DV Lottery n’ont pas besoin de fournir de détails de passeport, ni même leur numéro de passeport, lorsqu’ils remplissent le formulaire de candidature. Cependant, si un candidat est sélectionné lors du tirage au sort, il lui sera alors demandé de produire un passeport lors de la phase suivante, celle de la demande de visa d’immigrant.

Note that the passport is just one of a list of documents required to complete the DV Lottery 2024 form, which also includes full name, date of birth, gender, country of birth, country of nationality, level of education, occupation, current address, e-mail address, telephone number and a recent passport photo.

Conclusion: DV Lottery 2025, passport number should not be a requirement

Following the federal court's decision in 2022 to cancel the passport requirement for the DV Lottery 2024, it is logical to assume that this requirement will remain absent for the DV Lottery 2025. The reasons that led to this cancellation, notably the criticism that this requirement was discriminatory and prevented certain people from participating, remain relevant. Moreover, a judicial decision, particularly one from a federal court, sets a precedent.

So, unless there are major changes in legislation or new contradictory directives from other branches of government, the court's decision should stand for subsequent editions of the DV Lottery. This means that for the DV Lottery 2025, applicants should not expect to be asked for a passport during the initial application phase.

However, potential candidates are always advised to stay informed and to consult official sources regularly for any updates.

The removal of the passport requirement, including the need to provide a passport number, has widened access to the DV Lottery. It has enabled more people to try their luck at living and working in the United States. It's a reminder that policies and procedures can evolve according to the needs of society and the rights of individuals. For those considering applying for the DV Lottery 2025, it is always advisable to check the US State Department website for the latest information and official guidelines.

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