DV Lottery 2025 (entry 2023): Conditions, Participation Process and Requirements


Visit DV Lotteryknown as Green Card Lottery is a program managed by the U.S. Department of State. Each year, it offers individuals from all over the world the opportunity to become permanent residents of the U.S. (see also : The complete guide to successful DV Lottery photography: Criteria and practical tips and leeducation and work experience requirements).

Updated and for more information, see this article: DV 2025 update, Official date and instructions for 2023 registration unveiled.

Introducing DV Lottery 2025

The DV Lottery 2025, officially known as the Diversity Visa Lottery, is a unique program designed to diversify the immigrant population in the United States. For the period 2025, the program will enable approximately 55,000 qualified individuals from various eligible countries to obtain permanent residence in the United States. The lottery draw is random, and winners are chosen from millions of applicants every year.

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The lottery is open to people from the following countries with historically low immigration rates to the U.S.. As you can see, selection is strictly based on place of birth, not citizenship or current residence.

Importance and purpose of the Lottery

The importance of the DV Lottery lies in its aim to promoting cultural diversity in the United States. That's all well and good, but we have to recognize that the lottery creates a gateway for those who may have no other legal means of immigration.

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The DV Lottery aims to :

  • Provide an immigration opportunity for individuals from countries under-represented in the United States.
  • Strengthen cultural and diplomatic ties between the United States and other nations.
  • To offer qualified people a chance to pursue new opportunities for living and working in the United States.

DV Lottery 2025 Timetable and Application Period

Updated and for more information, see this article: DV 2025 update, Official date and instructions for 2023 registration unveiled.

The registration period for the DV Lottery 2025 is generally one month long, and usually takes place in the autumn. For the year 2025, candidates can expect the registration period to begin on early October 2023 and ends at the end of the month.

Official website of the U.S. Department of State is the only legitimate portal for registrationApplicants must complete an online form during this period. All registration outside these dates or through unofficial websites should be treated with caution.

In our understanding of DV Lottery 2025, it is crucial to stress that participation in the lottery is free. Any request for a fee when submitting an application may be a sign of fraud.

DV Lottery 2025 Conditions of Participation

Participation in the DV Lottery 2025 is subject to specific conditions relating to nationality, place of birth, education and work experience. Understanding these conditions is vital for successful participation in the lottery.

Nationality Criteria, Eligible and Excluded Countries

To be eligible for the DV Lottery, an individual must be a native of a qualifying country, i.e. a country with a low rate of immigration to the United States. Most of us need to understand that people born in countries with a high rate of immigration to the U.S. are excluded from participation.

The list of excluded countries varies from year to year. For DV Lottery 2025, the following countries are excluded: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland), Venezuela and Vietnam.

Specific rules for certain territories (e.g. Gaza Strip, Macau SAR)

Some specific rules apply to particular territories:

  • The natives of the Gaza Strip are attached to Egypt for the DV Lottery.
  • Macau SAR natives are eligible to participate in the lottery.
  • Those born on the islands of Habomai, Shikotan, Kunashiri and Etorofu are attached to Japan, while those born in southern Sakhalin are attached to Russia.

Exceptions Based on Place of Birth of Parents or Spouse

Exceptions to the nationality rule are possible depending on the place of birth of parents or spouse. If an individual was born in an excluded country, but his or her spouse is a native of an eligible country, the individual can claim his or her spouse's eligibility.

Similarly, if an individual's parents were temporarily visiting an excluded country at the time of birth, and one of them is a native of an eligible country, the individual can claim the parent's eligibility.

All in all, these conditions underline the complexity of the DV Lottery 2025 participation criteria. A clear understanding of these rules and a careful eligibility check can contribute to a successful and stress-free application experience. Detailed information on eligibility criteria and exceptions is available on the official website of the U.S. Department of State, and it is advisable to refer to it for specific, up-to-date information.

Conditions Relating to Age, Education and Work Experience

The conditions for participation in the DV Lottery 2025 are not limited to nationality and country of birth. Age, education and work experience also play a crucial role in determining an individual's eligibility. Here are the details:

Age requirements

Contrairement à une idée reçue, il n’y a pas d’exigence d’âge minimum spécifique pour participer à la DV Lottery. Cependant, en raison des exigences en matière d’éducation ou d’expérience de travail (décrites ci-dessous), les participants doivent généralement avoir au moins 18 ans pour satisfaire à ces critères.

Educational Requirements

To take part in DV Lottery 2025, a candidate must meet one of the following two conditions:

OPTION 1: The individual must have completed secondary education or the equivalent of a U.S. high school diploma. This means the successful completion of a 12-year course of elementary and secondary education.

OPTION 2: The individual must have worked for at least two of the last five years, in a trade requiring at least two years' training or experience. The list of qualified trades can be consulted on the Department of State's official website.

Passing a high school equivalency exam is not sufficient to meet this requirement.

Work Experience Requirements

If the applicant doesn't meet the education requirement, he or she may still be eligible based on work experience. As you can see, he or she must have worked for at least two years in a skilled trade within the last five years.

The list of skilled jobs is generally based on the U.S. Department of Labor classification, which includes positions requiring at least two years of training or experience. Skilled jobs may include, but are not limited to, various occupations in the following fields:

  • Cheers: Like nurses, medical technicians and physical therapists.
  • Technology and Computing: Like programmers, systems analysts and database administrators.
  • Engineering and Construction: Like engineers, architects and project managers.
  • Education: Like teachers, trainers and specialized educators.
  • Arts and Culture: Like artists, musicians, graphic designers.
  • Specialized trades: Like electricians, plumbers and mechanics.

Photo requirements for the DV Lottery

Participating in the DV Lottery (Diversity Visa Lottery) involves following a strict set of guidelines, particularly with regard to the photo to be submitted. The photo plays an important role in identifying the applicant, and must therefore meet specific requirements.

Photo size and format


  • DimensionsThe photo must measure exactly 600 x 600 pixels.
  • File sizeThe file must not exceed 240 Kb (kilobytes).


  • File typeThe photo must be in JPEG format.
  • ColorIt must be in color and faithfully reflect the natural skin tone.

Standards for installation, dressing, background, etc.


  • FaceThe face must be clearly visible and pointing directly at the camera.
  • ExpressionThe applicant must have a neutral expression and must not smile.


  • ClothingWear your usual clothes. Don't wear a uniform unless it's your daily outfit.


  • ColorThe background must be plain and white or light in color.
  • ShadowsMake sure there are no shadows on the face or background.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

1. Use of filters or modifications

  • How to avoidDo not use filters or modifications that alter your appearance.

2. Inappropriate background

  • How to avoidChoose a place with a plain background and no distractions.

3. Uneven lighting

  • How to avoidUse soft lighting to avoid harsh shadows and glare.

4. Incorrect pose and expression

  • How to avoidKeep a neutral expression and make sure your face is aligned with the camera.

5. Incorrect clothing

  • How to avoidWear your everyday clothes and avoid accessories that hide your face.

All in all, photo preparation for the DV Lottery may seem complicated, but by following these guidelines, you can ensure that your photo meets the necessary requirements. As you can see, every detail counts, and an extra effort to meet these standards can make all the difference to your application. It's strongly recommended that you consult a professional if you're not sure you can meet these requirements yourself.

Application Process

The DV Lottery application process requires attention to detail and a clear understanding of the steps involved. In this section, we'll look at these crucial steps.

Detailed steps to enter the lottery

  1. Visit the official website: Be sure to go to the official government website for the DV Lottery.
  2. Complete the online formPlease fill in all required fields accurately.
  3. Add your photoUpload your photo as specified above.
  4. Review your applicationCheck all information before submitting.
  5. Submit your applicationClick on the submit button and keep a copy of the confirmation.

How to track and confirm your application

  • Confirmation numberPlease keep it in a safe place, as you will need it to keep track of your application.
  • Visit the official websiteUse the confirmation number to check the status of your application on the official website.

Importance of not submitting proofs during the application process

  • No documents required on departureAt the application stage, no documents such as diplomas or proof of employment are required.
  • Avoid fraudDon't share documents with unofficial sites that claim to need them.

Selection, Interview and Permanent Resident Card

The DV Lottery does not automatically guarantee residency. Here are the steps following selection.


  • Online verificationResults are available online, and winners will be notified via the official website.
  • No email notificationPlease note that the government does not send e-mails to announce selection.


  • PlanningIf selected, you will be invited to schedule an interview at an embassy or consulate.
  • Document preparationGather all required documents, such as proof of education and work experience.

Permanent Resident Card

  • After approvalIf the interview is successful, you will receive instructions on how to obtain your Permanent Resident Card (Green Card).
  • FeesA fee will be charged for processing the Green Card.

Tips to avoid common mistakes

Applying for the DV Lottery is a process that requires precision and attention to detail. Here are a few tips to help you avoid common mistakes:

  • Read instructions carefullyBefore you start, read all the instructions provided on the official website.
  • Using a photo verification tool: Some official websites offer online tools to check whether your photo meets the requirements.
  • Don't wait until the last minuteDelays can cause problems, so start your application well before the deadline.
  • Avoid unauthorized agents: Some agents claim to be able to increase your chances. Don't be fooled by such fraudulent offers.

The importance of truthful information

  • Avoid false declarations: Providing incorrect information may result in immediate rejection or even a future ban.
  • Be consistentMake sure all information matches your official documents.

Time management and planning

  • Plan aheadDetermine a timetable for completing each stage of the application process.
  • Respect deadlinesPlease bear in mind the deadlines for submission and other important stages, such as maintenance.

Your Lottery 2025 questions and answers

Are there any major changes compared with 2024?

No, there have been no major changes to DV Lottery 2025 compared with 2024.

Do I need a passport to apply?

No, a passport is not required to complete the form. However, please ensure that the information you provide when registering is identical to that which is or will be in your passport.

Is France eligible for the DV Lottery 2025?

Yes, French nationals can take part in DV Lottery 2025.

What are the eligibility criteria for applying?

Applicants must be from eligible countries, have completed secondary education or have at least two years' work experience within the last five years in a skilled trade.

If I am selected, do I need a passport for the visa application phase?

Yes, if you are selected in the draw, a valid passport will be required at the immigrant visa application stage.

How long is the registration period for DV Lottery 2025?

The registration period usually lasts about a month, and the exact dates for the year 2023 (DV 2025) are October 4 to November 7, 2023.

Can I apply more than once for DV 2025?

No, each person is allowed to apply only once per year. Multiple submissions will result in disqualification.

Cow do I know if I've been selected?

Results are usually available online on the official DV Lottery website. Applicants should use their unique confirmation number to check their status.

Is there an application fee for the DV Lottery?

No, there is no fee to apply to the DV Lottery. However, if you are selected, there will be a fee associated with the immigrant visa application.

If I'm not selected, can I apply again the following year?

Yes, if you are not selected, you can apply again during the next registration period.


The DV Lottery is a serious path to permanent residency in the United States. As the new registration date for 2025 approaches, and while waiting for the registration process to begin, it's vital to be well prepared and informed.

In our quest to provide accurate and useful information, we'll be preparing a detailed article on the day registration opens, covering every aspect of this intriguing process. From eligibility to common mistakes, from photography to interviews, every detail will be scrutinized to offer you a complete understanding.

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63 Responses

  1. No it's really clear and neat really it's great with your explanation thank you so much for clearing it up for me.

  2. Hi everyone, I'm really pleased with the page, it's a good page that will educate us promptly, thank you.

  3. Hi your page is really educational it will allow those who want to participate to have a clear idea of the thing really thank you very much

  4. Thank you so much! This site is really wonderful.
    It gave me a better understanding of the process.

  5. Thank you very much. Your site has given me a better understanding of the DV lottery process.

  6. Hello Sir/Madam,

    I would like to know if a passport is required to register online for the DV lottery 2025?

    Best regards,

    1. Hi all please is the passport mandatory for the dv lottery 2025 program.

  7. Hello,
    I have read about DV lottery in the USA but my question is the following, you said that we don't pay anything for the procedure, but somewhere else you said that there will be fees for the green card so you have already told us that the site that is going to ask for the money is a fake site and given this situation, how are we going to make the comparison between a real site and a real site?

  8. I wanted to say how we're going to tell the difference between a real site that doesn't ask for money and a fake site that does since you've let us know that registration is free. If you can clarify this for us.

  9. Thank you for the detailed information. But I was going to get some clarification about the online subscription.

    1. Yes, it is generally possible to participate in the Diversity Visa Lottery using a smartphone or other Internet-connected device. The entry process is online through the program's official website, where you can fill in the electronic application form. Make sure you have a reliable Internet connection and use a browser compatible with the DV lottery website.

  10. Hello! I'm Carolline, thanks for your explanations;they've been very useful for me. But,please is the passport necessary when filling the form?

    1. Passports will not be compulsory; our analysis to answer this question can be found in our article on the subject.

  11. Bonjour madame ou monsieur j'ai aimé votre site c'est vraiment enrichissant sa permet de ma comprendre le processus je me batcher pour décrocher une opportunité merci

  12. Very interesting article. Only, it would be necessary to indicate the Official Site of the DV Lottery in order to reach it automatically without resorting to the unauthorized Agents. Also, one of the tools for checking the standards required for the Photo to be supplied should be served.

  13. Peace be upon you, dear sir, I am of Moroccan nationality, age 50, married and have two children. I work as a technician in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Livestock Breeding, and for this, dear sir, I am asking you to help me to participate in the 2025 American lottery adresse lot abni khaldoun ecoel abni khaldoun Oujda Morocco tel 212678482874

  14. I love the United States more than any other country in the world I love American I want to be American

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