Education, experience and employment for DV Lottery 2025 (Green Card)


Immigration to the United States is often perceived as a complex process. However, for those seeking to enter this country via the Diversity Visa lotteryThere is a specific set of educational and professional criteria that must be met. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the educational and professional requirements for DV American Lottery 2025. (a Read : How to enter the green card lotteryRequirements and criteria PHOTO DV LOTTERY USA)

Aside from the U.S. Green Card lottery, don't forget to consider registration for the Destination Canada 2023 forumthe deadline is approaching.

What are the educational requirements to qualify for the DV American Lottery 2025?

Eligibility for the DV Lottery requires at least a high school diploma or its equivalent. If you do not have a high school diploma, you may be eligible if you have two years of work experience within the last five years in a job that requires at least two years of training or experience.

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What is "equivalent" education in the United States?

The first requirement to qualify for the DV Lottery is to have an education equivalent to that of an American high school. This means four years of full-time study in general (or 3 years depending on the education system in your country). Vocational diplomas are also eligible, as long as they meet the basic requirements of a U.S. general education program.

Under the new guidelines, the equivalent of a high school diploma is defined as the successful completion of a 12-year formal course of elementary and secondary education. This clarification is particularly useful for those who have followed an educational system different from that of the United States.

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Types of diplomas and their eligibility for the new designation

Type of diplomaEligibility for DV LotteryDuration of formal studies
Full-time general diplomaYes12 years
Full-time professional diplomaCase by case12 years and over
Part-time diplomaNo
University degreeYesOver 12 years

What about part-time diplomas or long-term training courses?

What if you've completed a part-time educational program or long-term training? It's wise to know that these options are generally not eligible for the DV Lottery. So why are these degrees and training excluded, and what are the implications?

Reasons for Exclusion

DV Lottery rules require a full secondary education, completed on a full-time basis, as a minimum basis for eligibility. The reason is simple: the aim of the program is to ensure that immigrants have a certain level of educational competence to integrate successfully into American society. Part-time programs, long-term training courses and correspondence courses do not, for the most part, meet these rigorous criteria, as they are considered to offer a less complete or less standardized educational experience.

Mixed scenarios : Part-time and full-time

A special case arises when you have a mixed education, i.e. you completed part of your high school education full-time and part-time. According to DV Lottery rules, even in this case, you would not be eligible. Just one instance of part-time training in your educational history is enough to disqualify your entire high school diploma.

The Baccalauréat and the DV American Lottery: Is it enough?

The Bachelor's degree is a diploma that many international students earn, and is often seen as a ticket to higher education. But how does this diploma fit in with the requirements for the DV Lottery in the USA?

The Bachelor's Degree as the Equivalent of a High School Diploma in the United States

If you have obtained a baccalaureateThe good news is that this diploma is generally considered equivalent to a high school diploma in the USA. Therefore, it meets the basic requirements for education under the DV Lottery. The key here is that the bachelor's degree is a program that usually covers one 12 years of formal elementary and secondary educationThis makes it eligible under the new DV Lottery guidelines.

Diploma comparison

DiplomaCountry of originFormal education timeEligibility for DV Lottery
High School DiplomaUnited States12 yearsYes
BaccalaureateFrance, Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, Tunisia etc.12-13 yearsYes
A-LevelsUnited Kingdom13 years oldYes

Points to consider with a Baccalaureate

  1. Make sure that the bachelor's degree you have earned is recognized as a formal secondary education program in your home country.
  2. Keep in mind that a bachelor's degree is more than adequate to meet DV Lottery's educational requirements, but it doesn't give you any particular advantage in the selection process.

No diploma or BAC, how can I take part in the DV Lottery?

It's possible that you didn't finish high school or didn't graduate from high school. However, this doesn't necessarily mean you should give up on the idea of applying to the DV Lottery. Although education is a central criterion, there are other ways to prove your eligibility.

Follow the Path of Professional Experience to take part in US DV

The good news is that the DV Lottery offers an alternative for those without a high school diploma. You may still be eligible if you have significant work experience.

Employment-based eligibility requirements to participate in the USA DV:

  • You must have at least two years' work experience in a job requiring two years' training or experience.
  • The position held must be classified in Job Zones 4 or 5 and have a Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) of 7.0 or higher, according to the database O*Net Online.

List of types of jobs generally eligible :

  1. Specialized trades (e.g. electrician, plumber)
  2. Healthcare professions (e.g. nurse, physician)
  3. Teaching
  4. Project management

You'll need to provide evidence in the form of letters of recommendation, employment contracts, pay statements or professional certifications.

Practical advice for applicants without diplomas

  1. Evaluate Your Professional Experience : Make sure you have work experience that qualifies under the DV Lottery criteria.
  2. Prepare the evidence: Collect all documents that prove your work experience. This may include letters of recommendation, employment contracts and pay slips.
  3. Consult the List of Eligible Jobs : Search the O*Net Online site for eligible jobs.

Think about professional training

Some vocational training courses may meet DV Lottery eligibility criteria, especially if they lead to occupations classified in Job Zones 4 or 5. Find out about training opportunities in your field, or explore new professional avenues.

The absence of a diploma or Bachelor's degree may seem like a major obstacle for those dreaming of immigrating to the USA via the DV Lottery. However, it's important to remember that education is not the only eligibility criterion. The emphasis on work experience offers a fair chance to those who chose to work early in life, or to those who were unable to complete their studies for a variety of reasons. The key is to understand your options, actively seek solutions and never give up on your dream.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Question: Can I apply for the DV Lottery if I'm still a student?
Answer: Yes, but you must have graduated from high school before applying for the visa if you are selected.

Question: Does part-time work experience count?
Answer: No, experience must be full-time and must comply with the classifications established by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Question: Are professional qualifications obtained abroad taken into account?
Answer: Yes, as long as they are equivalent to U.S. standards and the position corresponds to the employment zones and SVP required.

Question: Does a master's or doctorate degree offer any additional advantages in the selection process?
Answer: No, although these diplomas make you eligible, they do not give you extra points in the DV Lottery selection process.

Question: Does the formal 12 years of education also include elementary education?
Answer: Yes, 12 years includes elementary and secondary education combined.

Question: Is my vocational baccalaureate also eligible?
Answer: The vocational baccalaureate can be considered on a case-by-case basis, as long as it meets the basic requirements for a U.S. high school diploma.

Question: Should I have my bachelor's degree evaluated by an American organization?
Answer: Usually this is not necessary, as the bachelor's degree is widely recognized. However, it may be useful to keep all relevant documents and certificates as proof.

Question: Is it possible to combine education and work experience to meet the criteria?
Answer: No, you have to meet all the criteria to be considered eligible.

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