D7 Portugal 2023 Visa Program: What are the requirements?


Many of you have read our article on " The D7 visa for foreigners in Portugal" where a wealth of information has been compiled to make it easier for you to immigrate to Portugal via the program D7 2023. Several of our readers have asked for more information on the conditions for obtaining this visa. We will answer them in this article.

New article: Visa D7 passive income 2024 in Portugal.

The D7 visa or passive income visa is a visa that gives people the right to live and work in Portugal, but also to move freely within the Schengen area. It is the first step towards obtaining a residence card in the European zone and acquire the nationality of that country after a few years.

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Basic requirements for a D7 visa

In addition to the eligibility requirements relating to your passive income, there are some basic requirements that must be met before you can apply for a D7 visa:

Have a NIF (tax identification number).

It is essential to acquire a Portuguese tax number. This can be done remotely, without having to travel to Portugal.

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The NIF can be applied for at the Tax Office or the Citizen's Office. The application procedure is simple and requires a minimum of documentation: a passport and a certificate of residence from your country of origin.

New : Work visa Portugal (New visa, easy to obtain for job seekers in Portugal)

If you are unable to attend in person to apply for a NIF number, you may delegate a legal representative with power of attorney to make the application on your behalf, who may be any Portuguese citizen or any person permanently resident in Portugal.

There are intermediaries who can apply for you remotely. A good example is "BORDR", but there is a charge for this procedure.

Opening a Portuguese bank account

Once you have obtained your NIF, you will be able to open a Portuguese bank account remotely. Single applicants must guarantee that they have a minimum of €7,000 in their bank account. Married couples must have a minimum of €10,500 deposited in the bank account.

Have a Certificate of Accommodation

When you apply for a D7 visa, you are actually requesting a temporary residence permit at Portugal. This means you'll need to prove to the authorities where you'll be staying. The best solution is to provide a rental contract. If you are planning to live with a family member resident in the country, you will need to present a certificate of coverage of your host. The host must attach a copy of his or her ID to the document, sign it and have it legalized.

Don't forget that you need to present a rental contract covering 12 months, and the same goes for the accommodation or care certificate.

If you already have a Schengen visa, you can always go to the Portugal before applying for your visa D7. This will help you find suitable accommodation before you start your application.

A clean criminal record

Without a clean criminal record, your application will be rejected. Make sure you obtain your criminal record in time before starting the application process.

Under Portuguese law, an individual can only apply for a temporary residence permit under the D7 visa if, in his or her country of origin, he or she has not been convicted of a crime punishable by a minimum of one year's imprisonment under Portuguese law.

What are the minimum requirements for passive income?

For your D7 visa application to be accepted, you must provide proof of your financial stability. Your passive income must be sufficient to enable you to live comfortably in Portugal, without having to depend on any salary you may earn in Portugal if you plan to work there, or in your country of origin. If you get a good job in Portugal, you can always change the status of your residence permit to free yourself from the condition of dependence on your passive income.

Definition of passive income

Passive income considered eligible includes :

  • Your retirement
  • Income from property rentals
  • Transferable actions
  • Royalty
  • Dividends on your shares in a company
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Income from a long-term fixed-rate financial investment
  • Interest from your savings

Online revenue and Visa D7

A recurring question from our loyal visitors toAlgeriaof Tunisia and MoroccoOne of the most important questions facing the French economy, and African countries in general, is whether the income generated by an online activity on the Internet can be considered as passive income. The answer is not obvious, not only because passive income is only considered as such when it does not require full-time involvement, but also because providing proof of this type of income is more complicated. If you have the supporting documents to prove your income, and it doesn't require full-time involvement to maintain it, then yes, you can indeed seize this opportunity. A positive response will depend on each situation and the details involved.

Minimum passive income requirements

Meeting the minimum passive income requirements is a prerequisite for your application to be approved. We recommend that you consider this as an absolute minimum. Exceeding it will increase your chances of approval.

In principle, the minimum passive income required must be equivalent to the Portuguese SMIC for the year in which you apply for your D7 visa. So, for 2023 and as an example, here is the minimum required:

  • Passive income requirements for single applicants

Single applicants must generate and provide proof of a passive income equivalent to at least €775 per month or €9,300 per year.

  • Passive income requirements for married couples

When applying for a D7 visa as a married couple, the minimum passive income required for a dependent adult is 50 %. An additional €387.5 per month is required for the dependent adult. This equates to a total of €4,650 per year for your spouse. So, for yourself and your spouse (or dependent adult), you'll need a total of €13,950 per year.

  • Passive income required for dependent children

The minimum passive income required for children under 18 is €232.5 per month or €2,790 per year. This is equivalent to approximately 30 % of the total passive income required of the principal applicant.

Although there is no minimum requirement regarding your personal assets, Portuguese immigration authorities may ask you to provide proof of additional savings.

Procedures for obtaining a residence card through the VISA D7 Portugal program

For all your other questions regarding VISA D7 application procedures, how you can obtain a permanent residence card and subsequently apply for Portuguese nationality, please consult our first article on the subject by following this link: D7 VISA PORTUGAL

Please feel free to leave comments if you need any further information.

The official website of Portugal's Department of Foreigners and Immigration: imigrante.sef.pt

If you're looking for information about the GOLD VISA, check out this article: VISA GOLD Portugal

New : Work visa Portugal (New visa, easy to obtain for job seekers in Portugal)

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6 Responses

  1. السلام عليكم أنا أريد التقدم على فيزا d7 وعندي كل الوثائق المطلوبة

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