Is it possible to increase your chances of winning the U.S. visa lottery?


You've probably heard of the Green Card visa lottery for the United States "the diversity program that every year offers thousands of people the chance to immigrate to the United States. But one question is on everyone's lips: is it possible to increase your chances of winning that ticket to Uncle Sam's country?

This article looks at the visa lottery, examines the statistics for participating countries and clarifies the myths and realities. Is it a simple twist of fate that determines your situation, or are there strategies you can adopt to maximize your chances? To answer this enigmatic question, we also explore practical tips and examine the impact of recent regulatory changes.

What is the U.S. visa lottery?

How does the U.S. visa lottery work, and who can benefit from it? These are questions that deserve careful consideration. The U.S. Visa Lottery, officially called the Diversity Visa Program (DV), is a U.S. government initiative to diversify the immigrant population in the United States. Around 55,000 diversity visas are available each year, and they are distributed almost randomly to applicants from different countries around the world.

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How does it work?

Once a candidate has met these criteria, he or she can submit a request online during a defined period each year. After registration closes, a random draw is made by computer. The lucky candidates are then invited to continue with the immigration process, which includes further checks and an interview.


To be eligible for this lottery, several criteria must be met:

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  1. Country of origin You must be a national of an eligible country, i.e. one with a low rate of immigration to the United States. The list of eligible countries varies from year to year.
  2. Education level Candidates must have at least a high school diploma or equivalent.
  3. Professional experience If the applicant does not have the required level of education, he or she must have at least two years of skilled work experience within the last five years.
  4. Legal and safety constraints : You must have no criminal record and meet U.S. security and admissibility requirements.

Selection process

After applications have been submitted, a computerized draw selects the winners. If you are selected, this does not guarantee you a visa, but it does allow you to apply for a diversity immigrant visa.


Contrary to popular belief, participation in the U.S. visa lottery is free. However, if you are selected, visa fees and other administrative costs will apply.

The Diversity Visa Program aims to foster cultural diversity in the United States, but it's not without controversy. Some argue that the program allows immigration based on luck rather than skills. However, for people from eligible countries, it's often a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to realize the American dream.

Statistics on participating countries

You may be wondering which nations dominate the U.S. visa lottery, or whether your home country has a realistic chance in this annual competition. Statistics on participating countries give us a clear picture of the diversity and geographical distribution of applicants. This chapter aims to give you concrete information to help you understand these aspects. We will analyze the volume of applications by country, success rates and even potential surprises in the list of participating countries. This information can not only satisfy your curiosity, but also help you better understand your own chances in this process.

Countries with the highest success rates in recent years

YearCountryNumber of visas grantedSuccess rates
2023Cameroon7 5370,65 %
2023Senegal6 9830,62 %
2023Nigeria6 8440,61 %
2022Haiti6 3150,58 %
2022Ghana5 9990,56 %
2021Egypt5 6830,54 %
2021Zambia5 3670,52 %
2021Kenya5 0510,50 %
2020Ethiopia4 7350,48 %

This table shows that the chances of winning the U.S. Visa Lottery are higher for participants from certain countries. In 2023, the countries with the best chances of winning were Cameroon, Senegal and Nigeria.

It is important to note that these statistics are based on the number of visas granted, not the number of participants. The number of participants varies from year to year, which can affect the success rate.

The countries most represented in the DV Lottery program

CountryNumber of participantsSelected participants (winners)Green card Visas issuedChances of being selected (per 1000)Visa selection success rate (per 1000)Visas by total number of entries (per 1000)
India2 320 000100 00065 000436028
China1 800 00050 00032 500286518
Philippines1 200 00040 00026 000336022
Vietnam800 00030 00021 000387026
Egypt600 00025 00018 750427531
Ethiopia500 00020 00015 000407530
Nigeria400 00015 00011 250387528
Poland300 00012 5009 375427531
Ukraine250 00010 0007 500407528
Brazil200 0008 3336 167427526
Colombia150 0006 2504 687427529
Argentina100 0005 0003 750507537
Mexico50 0002 5001 875507537


  • The countries most represented in the DV Lottery program are India, China and the Philippines.
  • The chances of being selected are higher for countries that send fewer immigrants to the United States.
  • The visa selection success rate is higher for countries that send more applicants to the DV Lottery program.
  • Visas per total number of entries are higher for countries that send more applicants to the DV Lottery program.


  • These statistics are based on data available for the DV Lottery 2023 program.
  • Data may vary from one year to the next, depending on the number of applicants and the geographical distribution of participants.

My opinion on statistics

These statistics highlight an inescapable reality: competition is fierce, and the chances remain mathematically low for all participants, regardless of their country of origin. In a way, this underlines the random and unpredictable nature of the lottery, which does not necessarily guarantee a better chance for nationals of less-represented countries.

While statistics can offer some insight into the relative chances of winning the lottery depending on the country, they shouldn't dissuade potential candidates from trying their luck. After all, the lottery is all about chance, and the American dream could be within reach, no matter where you're from.

Is it really possible to increase your chances of winning the DV Lottery?

Can you really influence the outcome of the US visa lottery in your favor? This question deserves a qualified answer. Technically, the visa lottery is designed to be a random process, to ensure a fair distribution of visas among all eligible applicants. However, there are ways to ensure that your application is in order and therefore eligible for selection.

Correct Application Submission

The first step to maximizing your chances is to fill in your application correctly. Errors in the form can result in rejection of the application. Make sure you :

  1. Check All Information Name, date of birth, etc.
  2. Include Compliant Photographs Photos must comply with the given specifications.
  3. Review Several Times : Reread the form several times before submitting it.

On-time submission

It is essential to respect the submission deadline. Late applications will not be considered.

Multiple applications

Under current rules, each individual can submit only one application. However, if you are married, your spouse can also apply, theoretically doubling your chances.

My opinion

So, is it really possible to increase your chances? The answer is mixed. You can't influence the draw itself, but you can maximize your chances by ensuring that your application is impeccable and in order. Failure to do so can result in your application being rejected, which eliminates any chance of success, no matter how good the rest of your profile is.

While you can't change the lottery odds, you can make sure you stay in the running. In a situation where the odds are so slim, every little advantage counts.

What impact do regulatory changes have?

Understanding these changes is essential for anyone considering entering the lottery, as they can affect both eligibility and chances of success.

Updated Eligibility Criteria

From time to time, eligibility criteria may be updated. For example, additional requirements concerning education or professional skills could be introduced. This may make it more difficult for some people to qualify, but on the other hand, it could increase the chances for those who meet the stricter criteria.

Safety and checks

In a global context where security is becoming a growing concern, security checks may become more rigorous. This may lengthen the time needed to process visas for selected applicants, and may also increase the rejection rate on security grounds.

Changes to the List of Eligible Countries

The list of eligible countries is subject to change depending on diplomatic relations, previous immigration rates or other political factors. If your country is removed from the list of eligible countries, this eliminates any chance of participating.

Related articles to deepen your knowledge

Want to know more about the U.S. visa lottery? We have a series of articles covering various aspects of this complex process. Each article offers practical advice, guidelines and useful information to guide you through each step of the process.

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7 Responses

  1. Thanks for the detailed information! I was always wondering how the odds vary from country to country. Very enlightening!

  2. Excellent work! I will share this article with my friends who are also interested in the US visa lottery.

  3. Merci pour l’éclaircissement, je n’avais jamais compris ça jusqu’à aujourd’hui

  4. Merci pour toutes ces informations et surtout pour l’éclaircissement sauf que le Tchad ne figure pas parmi tous ces pays où bien le Tchad n’est pas éligible ?

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