How to become a US citizen: The US naturalization process.


Every year, thousands of people take the steps to become American citizens. So, if you too would like to become an American citizen, this article will take you through the American naturalization process from A to Z, in great detail.

This article is intended for individuals who have already settled in the U.S., with a status of " Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR)" . These are, more often than not, the ones with the green card. You can also read our page on the various opportunities for obtaining the Green Card in America, the DV Lottery is just one option among many.

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Citizenship application requirements

While anyone can apply for U.S. citizenship, not everyone can be accepted as a U.S. citizen. First and foremost, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Be 18 years old when you apply for citizenship.
- Must have held a Green Card for at least 5 years prior to the date of application. (3 years, if your spouse is an American citizen)
- Be physically present in the U.S. for half of the last five years, or 181 days per year. If you leave the U.S. territory for more than six months, you will have to justify your prolonged absence.
- Have no criminal record, i.e. you have not committed any major offense and have not been arrested or convicted of any serious crime. Any misdemeanor punishable by more than three months' imprisonment will disqualify you from applying for U.S. citizenship for 5 years.
- Sufficient level of English (reading, speaking, writing).
- Know the history of the United States, its fundamental principles and laws.
- Remain on U.S. soil throughout the naturalization process.

The citizenship application process

Once all these conditions have been met, you can submit your application by following the steps below:
- Complete the eligibility form and print the naturalization application form (N 400).
- Fill in the form and make two copies of your passport.
- Send the request with the necessary documents and the fee (cheque) to the Lockbox Facility or Service Center. The application fee is approximately 725 $.
- Receive a summons for fingerprinting at the immigration office and USCIS will give you an interview date.
- Take a civics exam (American government, history, politics, etc.). You have to answer ten randomly selected questions out of 100, and get six correct answers.
- Take an English test (reading, writing and speaking). If you fail, you can retake the test 60 to 90 days later.
- Swear allegiance to the United States. That is, to take an oath that you make America your principal country, and pledge to uphold its constitution and serve it if need be.

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Once all these steps have been successfully completed, you will receive your certificate of naturalization and will enjoy the same rights as a U.S. citizen (travel with a U.S. passport, vote in elections, obtain the citizenship for your childrenapply for federal elections,...)

U.S. nationals who have completed military service.

Military service can be a good option for obtaining citizenship. You can apply for naturalization if you have performed honorable military service.

Naturalization through military service brings benefits that are quite comparable to those of a five-year green card holder.

You must be a morally upstanding individual. You haven't been convicted of a major crime, you pay your taxes and alimony, and you're generally considered a constructive member of the community.

You must be at least 18 years old to take part.

You must be able to communicate orally, in writing and in reading English.

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4 Responses

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  2. J'mappelé hamza Farah Mohamed je suis étudiant 9ème je habits à Djibouti ???????? je suis besoin visa de usa et Canada je connais de travail l'expérience

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