Decreto Flussi 2024 Italy: New measures on visas for seasonal workers

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The " Decreto Flussi "is an important program in Italian immigration policy. It enables foreign workers to come and work in Italy, thus contributing to Italy's economic growth and competitiveness on the global market. In this article, we'll explore the history and background of the Flussi immigration program, as well as the eligibility criteria and application procedures for foreign workers.

Decreto Flussi 2024 Italy
Article 2024

What is the Decreto Flussi?

The Decreto Flussi is an Italian immigration program that allows foreign workers to come and work in Italy. The program is published annually by the Ministry of the Interior, and sets a quota for foreign workers in each category.

Workers eligible for this decree include seasonal workers, self-employed workers and subordinate workers. Seasonal workers are authorized to work for a maximum period of nine months, while non-seasonal workers can work in Italy for a longer period.

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The Decreto Flussi program was introduced in 2002 to meet Italy's labor needs in various sectors, such as agriculture, tourism and industry. Since then, it has become an important element of Italy's immigration policy.

Quotas under the Decreto Flussi are determined each year according to Italy's economic needs. Quotas for 2023 have been announced, with a total of 82,570 foreign workers authorized to enter Italy. This figure includes 44,000 seasonal workers in the agricultural and tourism/hospitality sectors, as well as 38,705 non-seasonal workers.

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Applications for the Decreto Flussi program are submitted by Italian employers to the relevant authorities. Applications are examined on the basis of the workers' professional experience and their suitability for the positions offered.

Application and selection procedures

Italian employers must apply for a work permit for the foreign worker they intend to hire. The Foreigners' Office and the National Agency for Active Labor Policies (ANPAL) then examine the applications to select eligible foreign workers.

Once selected, the foreign worker will be summoned with the employer to issue the authorization and sign the employment contract. The worker can then enter Italy to work for the duration of the employment relationship.

The documents required to apply for a work in Italy under the Decreto Flussi may vary depending on the category of worker concerned. Seasonal workers must provide a job offer from an Italian agricultural company or an employer in the tourism/hospitality sector. Non-seasonal workers must provide additional documents such as proof of professional qualification, employment contracts, proof of accommodation and medical history.

Seasonal workers benefit from faster application processing than non-seasonal workers. Seasonal workers must apply between March 27 and October 31 each year, while non-seasonal workers can apply throughout the year.

It should be stressed that applications under the Decreto Flussi are submitted by Italian employers, not by the foreign workers themselves. Consequently, foreign workers interested in employment in Italy must seek out Italian employers who are willing to sponsor their work visa application.

Decreto Flussi: Changes and specific features

The Decreto Flussi 2023 introduces several changes compared with previous years. A total of 82,705 foreign workers will be authorized to enter Italy for professional reasons in 2023. This number is divided between different categories of workers, as follows:

Seasonal work

A total of 44,000 foreign workers will be authorized to work in Italy on a seasonal basis. Of these, 22,000 will be authorized to work in the agricultural sector, while 1,500 will be able to work for a period of three years in multi-annual seasonal employment.

Non-seasonal and self-employed

30,105 foreign workers will be authorized to work in Italy for long-term jobs in the road haulage, construction and tourism sectors. Of these, 24,105 workers will be authorized to work in these sectors as non-seasonal subordinate workers, and 500 will be able to work as self-employed workers. In addition, 6,000 foreign workers from third countries with which Italy will sign cooperation agreements in 2022 will also be authorized to work.

Conversion of residence permits

7,000 foreign workers will be allowed to convert their residence permit into a residence permit to work in Italy. This includes 4,400 workers holding a residence permit for seasonal employment who will be allowed to convert their residence permit into a residence permit for non-seasonal employment, as well as 2,000 workers holding a residence permit for study or work experience who will be allowed to convert their residence permit into a residence permit for subordinate employment. In addition, 370 workers will be able to convert their residence permit into a residence permit to work as self-employed workers, while 200 workers holding a long-term resident card issued by another EU member state will be able to convert their card into a residence permit to work in Italy as subordinate workers, and 30 workers will be able to convert their long-term resident card issued by another EU member state into a residence permit to work as self-employed workers.

How do I apply for a work visa in Italy?

If you wish to apply for a work visa in Italy under the Decreto Flussi, here is a step-by-step guide to help you:

  1. Check if you are eligible: check the eligibility criteria for the visa category you wish to apply for and make sure you have the required documents.
  2. Find an Italian employer: you need to find an Italian employer willing to take you on and provide you with a job offer. This offer must be included in your visa application.
  3. Apply for a work permit: Italian employers must apply for a work permit from the Italian authorities responsible for the category of worker concerned.
  4. Health insurance: You must take out health insurance to cover your entire stay in Italy.
  5. Prepare the required documents: you'll need to prepare a series of documents for your visa application, such as your passport, a passport photo, a copy of your employment contract, proof of health insurance, a criminal record certificate, etc.
  6. Submit your visa application: once you have all the necessary documents, you can submit your visa application to the Italian embassy or consulate in your home country.
  7. Wait for a reply: it may take several weeks or months for the Italian authorities to examine your application and make a decision.

To apply for a work seasonal workers, the requirements may vary depending on the category of worker concerned. For seasonal workers, you'll need a job offer from an Italian agricultural company or an employer in the tourist-hotel sector.

For non-seasonal workers, you'll need to prove that you have specific expertise and that you'll be hired for a job that can't be done by an Italian or EU worker. You will also need to prove that you have valid health insurance and that you have sufficient financial means to support yourself in Italy.

For more information, visit our guide : Seasonal employment contract in Italy.

Countries covered by the Flussi immigration program

Countries accepted in the seasonal workers category

For lavoro stagionale (seasonal work), the Decreto Flussi 2023 provides for a total of 44,000 workers for the following countries: Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea (Republic of Korea), Ivory Coast, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Philippines, Gambia, Ghana, Japan, India, Kosovo, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Moldavia, Montenegro, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Republic of North Macedonia, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia and Ukraine. Of these, 22,000 are destined for seasonal agricultural work.

Countries accepted in the salaried and self-employed category

For lavoro subordinato non stagionale (non-seasonal salaried work) and lavoro autonomo (self-employment), the Decreto Flussi 2023 provides for a total of 30,105 workers. Of these, 24,105 workers are destined for the following countries: Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea (Republic of Korea), Ivory Coast, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Philippines, Gambia, Ghana, Japan, India, Kosovo, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Moldavia, Montenegro, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Republic of North Macedonia, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia and Ukraine. A further 6,000 workers will be able to enter Italy from third countries with which Italy will sign cooperation agreements in 2023. 

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          Decreto Flussi 2023 Italy: New measures on visas for seasonal workers

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