Patterns visa refusal Schengen (France, Spainetc.) And solutions to avoid them.


The treatment of Schengen visa application The visa application process is a demanding phase for anyone wishing to travel within the Schengen area. Unfortunately, many applicants are turned down for various reasons. Consulates and embassies are often very strict when examining visa applications, so it's important to understand the following points main reasons for refusal to avoid these common mistakes when submitting your application. Please also note that reasons for refusal can vary from country to country, depending on migration policy, the economy, the geopolitical situation and diplomatic relations between countries.

In this article, we'll review the main reasons for Schengen visa refusals, give you tips on how to avoid these common mistakes when submitting your application, and provide you with the information you'll need to submit a solid application.

Read also: What should I do if my Schengen visa is refused? - You can appeal against the refusal!

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Reason: Suspicious documents and elements of the file

Suspicious travel documents are documents that do not appear to be genuine or that show inconsistencies. Consular authorities may suspect that they have been falsified or altered, and may therefore refuse the visa application on the basis of these documents.

Some examples of dubious travel documents

  • Wrong airline tickets or hotel reservations, or reservations that do not correspond to the travel dates indicated on the visa application.
  • Work certificates or letters of invitation whose contents appear to be forged or do not appear in official records.
  • Financial documents that appear to be incorrect or do not correspond to the information provided in the visa application (e.g. bank statements that do not match the funds declared).

To avoid visa refusals due to dubious travel documents, you must :

  • Provide original, authentic documents.
  • Ensure that all documents are in order and up to date.
  • Ensure that all documents provided match the information given in the visa application.
  • Air ticket and hotel booking information corresponds to the travel dates indicated in the visa application.
  • Contact employers or organizers to ensure that invitation letters or work certificates are authentic and registered in official records.
  • Make sure that the financial documents match the information provided in the visa application (for example, check that the funds declared appear on the bank statements).

Reason: The purpose and conditions of the planned stay have not been properly justified.

The reason "the purpose and conditions of the intended stay have not been justified" means that the consular authorities consider that the information provided in the visa application is not sufficiently detailed or convincing to justify the trip.

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Here are some examples of situations where this could happen:

  • The applicant does not provide sufficient information on the purpose and conditions of the stay (e.g. lack of details on planned activities or places to visit).
  • The applicant does not provide sufficient evidence to support his or her claims (e.g. hotel reservations or airline tickets not provided).
  • The information provided is not consistent (for example, information that does not tally with the documents provided or inconsistencies in information about the stay and finances).

To avoid visa refusals based on insufficiently justified information, you must :

  • Provide detailed and accurate information on the purpose and conditions of the stay.
  • Provide sufficient evidence to support statements (e.g. hotel reservations or airline tickets).
  • Ensure that the information provided is coherent and consistent with the documents supplied.
  • Make sure your financial information matches your stay information.
  • Ensure that information on place of residence and family ties corresponds to information on the stay.

Reason: you have not provided proof of sufficient means of subsistence

The reason "you have not provided proof that you have sufficient means of subsistence" means that the consular authorities consider that the applicant does not have sufficient financial means to cover the costs of his/her stay in Europe or to return to his/her country of origin or residence, or to transit to a third country where he/she is guaranteed admission.

Here are a few examples of situations where this could happen

  • The applicant does not provide sufficient proof of means of subsistence (for example, insufficient bank statements or financing guarantees that are not credible).
  • The applicant cannot prove that he/she is able to cover the costs of his/her stay (for example, if he/she is unemployed or does not have sufficient income).
  • The applicant does not provide proof that he/she has the means to return to his/her country of origin or residence or to transit to a third country where he/she is guaranteed admission.

To avoid visa refusals due to insufficient means of subsistence

  • Provide sufficient proof of means of subsistence (e.g. recent bank statements and credible financing guarantees).
  • Make sure your financial information matches your stay information.
  • Ensure that you have sufficient means of subsistence to cover the costs of your stay and return to your country of origin or residence, or to transit to a third country where your admission is guaranteed.
  • If you are sponsored, provide proof of the availability of funds from your sponsor.
  • Provide proof of stable income, such as an employment contract or proof of financial support.
  • If you own property, provide proof of ownership, such as a deed or lease.

Each country may have different financial requirements for visa applicants, so it's important to find out about each country's specific requirements and comply with them. It should also be pointed out that consular authorities may request additional information to verify the availability of means of subsistence.

Reason: you have been flagged for non-admission to the SIS.

This means that the applicant has been flagged in the Schengen Information System (SIS) as a person who should not be admitted to the Schengen area. The Schengen Information System (SIS) is a database system used by the security authorities to exchange information on people who should not be admitted to the Schengen area, such as wanted criminals, people who pose a threat to national security, people who have violated migration laws, and so on.

There are several reasons why a person might be flagged in the Schengen Information System (SIS) as someone who should not be admitted to the Schengen area. The most common reasons include :

  • Criminal record: If a person has been convicted of a serious crime, he or she could be flagged in the SIS as a person who should not be admitted to the Schengen area.
  • National security: If a person is considered to represent a threat to national security, he or she could be flagged in the SIS as a person who should not be admitted to the Schengen area.
  • Violations of migration laws: If a person has violated a country's migration laws, he or she could be flagged in the SIS as someone who should not be admitted to the Schengen area.

If the Schengen Information System (SIS) indicates that a person should not be admitted to the Schengen area, his or her chances of obtaining a Schengen visa are greatly reduced.

Reason : Missing documents

The "missing documents" reason means that the visa applicant has not provided all the documents required to complete his/her application. Required documents may vary depending on the destination country and the type of visa requested, but may include documents such as :

  • Certified copy of identity card or passport
  • A recent passport photo
  • Proof of sufficient means of subsistence to cover the costs of your stay (e.g. bank statements, financing guarantees, employment contracts).
  • Proof of hotel or accommodation reservations
  • Proof of travel itinerary (plane tickets, etc.)
  • information on the purpose and conditions of the stay (e.g. letter of invitation, information on planned activities)
  • Information on professional and educational references
  • Valid travel insurance covering health risks, trip cancellation or repatriation in the event of illness or accident during the trip.

To avoid being refused a visa because of missing documents, check with the embassy or consulate of the destination country for specific document requirements. In addition, make sure that all documents provided are original and valid, and that they are translated into the official language of the requested country if necessary. Check the specific requirements of the travel insurance, i.e. minimum amount covered, duration of cover, risks covered, etc. It is also advisable to keep a copy of the documents sent with the visa application to facilitate any subsequent checks.

Reason: Lack of admission to an educational institution for a course of study (for students).

This reason means that the visa applicant has not provided the necessary documents to prove that he or she has been admitted to an institution of higher education or a vocational training organization for a course of study. These documents may include:

  • A letter of admission issued by the higher education institution or vocational training organization confirming the applicant's admission.
  • Information on the study program and start and end dates
  • Information on registration fees and how to pay them

Any other reasons?

Yes, please note that the above-mentioned reasons for visa refusal are general and may vary from country to country (these are generally the main reasons for France in particular, as well as Spain, Belgium and Italy). Visa requirements and criteria can vary considerably from one country to another, so it is essential to check the specific requirements of each country before submitting a visa application. Consular authorities have the right to refuse a visa for reasons not explicitly stated. You should therefore provide all the information required to complete your application, and comply with all requirements to avoid any unexpected visa refusal.

Read also: What should I do if my Schengen visa is refused? - You can appeal against the refusal!

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10 Responses

  1. My problem i visited France in 2016 i had small burns on my feet the accident put to arrive memé day while arriving in france i was well but the end of the day i had a high fever and vomiting before the agreement of the hospital for my hospitalization the mutuel of Algiers gave him agreement the problem one year after the consult refused my agreement of visa because the mutuel Wants not remboursse please give me idea for that

  2. My mother has received a refusal: The information provided to justify the conditions of stay is incomplete and/or unreliable. I think this is reason 5, which says: This reason is very similar to reason 5, but this time will cover the conditions of stay in a general way, ie the conditions of resources and accommodation. We've provided accommodation for 75 square meters, and we've taken charge of his resources in dinars and euros. We've asked him for a tourist visa for several family entries. This child is of French nationality. Merci de me répondre

  3. Hello, I am. Senegalese I want a tourist visa am not employed but I have a sum of money for tourist visit how to do

  4. my girlfriend (from east africa) has had her short-stay visa refused because of doubts about the veracity of the documents and doubts about leaving the country when the visa expires. i think the fact that we mentioned a romantic relationship doesn't work in our favor... but it's not clearly mentioned, what do you think?
    le dossier était complet (billet d avion, attestation d accueil, assurance, lette d’invitation, relevé de banque, justificatif de son activité pro, contact de l’ambassade en amount, photos, motif clair ) , l’ambassade sur place a pris les documents, 80 E , rien dit du tout et l’a convoqué 2 jours plus tard en disant un simple « désolé », j’ai beau eu lire et suivre tous les conseils, rien n’y a fait , perte financière importante.. recours en cours, mais honnêtement j’ai peu d’espoir, pourtant j’ai largement les moyens de l’ accueillir et certainement pas envie qu’elle vive dans une quelconque clandestinité, moi qui pensait naïvement vivre dans un pays accueillant, ça calme. tant pis , c est moi qui me déplacerais, dommage , au lien de dépenser mon budget vacances en France, il le sera en Afrique, bravo les technocrates et leur bonnes idées 🙂

  5. I was refused yesterday on the grounds of doubt about not leaving Schengen territory before my visa expires. I want to appeal.

    1. Hello, on 20/10/ 2023 I was refused a visa on the ground 5 speaking about the information provided to justify the purpose and conditions of the intended stay are not reliable. I admit to not having paid for my hotel reservation, is this also the case for me not having made an AVI? I would like to reconstitute a file in order to present myself in the near future, can I have your opinion?

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