Seasonal work visa in Denmark


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Read also: Immigration Finland, the complete guide

Why work in Denmark?

It's clear that Denmark offers an exceptional quality of life. This Nordic country is renowned for its commitment to social equality, its excellent work-life balance and its thriving economy. Working in Denmark means choosing an environment conducive to a fulfilling career.

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Most of us couldn't resist the temptation of abundant job opportunities in a variety of sectors. Industries such as agriculture, IT, engineering and renewable energies regularly seek foreign talent to meet their labor needs.

What is the Seasonal Work Visa in Denmark?

We must learn to seize opportunities, and the visa from work in Denmark is a perfect example. It's an option for non-European or Swiss nationals, allowing them to work for a limited period, usually during high-demand seasons.

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In our context, it is worth mentioning that the visa from work seasonal employment in Denmark 2023 is specifically aimed at people wishing to work in Denmark on a temporary basis. An ideal opportunity to discover this attractive country.

Advantages of seasonal work visas in Denmark

That said, the advantages of work visa are not to be overlooked. One of the most striking is undoubtedly access to a high-quality healthcare system. Living and working in Denmark is also a golden opportunity to learn Danish and integrate into the local culture.

What's more, it's possible to extend the visa or switch to another type of visa, depending on eligibility criteria. Isn't it great to be able to extend such a satisfying professional adventure?

Various Work Visa Programs in Denmark

Denmark offers a diverse range of work visa programs to suit a range of needs and qualifications. Whether you're a researcher, an artist, an intern, or planning to set up a start-up, Denmark probably has an option to suit you. The following table will give you a detailed overview of the different programs available depending on your situation:

Program nameDescription
Fast track-ordningenYou've been offered a job in Denmark by a SIRI-certified company - and you want a fast start and a flexible license.
Wage-limit plans (Beløbsordningerne)You have been offered a job in Denmark with a salary that at least corresponds to the salary limit system or the additional salary limit system.
Positive lists (Positivlisterne)You've been offered a job in Denmark, which is on the list of professions where there is a shortage of highly qualified or skilled workers.
Researcher (Forsker)You've been offered a job in Denmark as a researcher in a private or public research institution.
Doctoral employment (Ph.d.-ansættelse)You must participate in a program of study as an employed doctoral student in connection with a Danish educational institution.
Guest researcher (Gæsteforsker)You were invited to Denmark as a guest researcher.
Specific individual qualifications (Særlige individuelle kvalifikationer)You've been offered a job in Denmark that only you are qualified to do - for example, as an artist, athlete or specialist chef.
Agriculture (Landbrug)You've been offered a job in Denmark as a shepherd or farm manager in agriculture.
Start-up Denmark You want to run a business in Denmark based on an innovative business idea.
TraineeYou've been offered a job with a company in Denmark for a short period to be educated or trained.
Certification (Certificering)You're a Danish company looking to use the fast-track system for fast, flexible foreign labor.
SSE scheme (ESS-ordningen)You've been offered a job at European Spallation Source in Sweden and would like to live in Denmark.
AuthorizationYou want to work in Denmark as a doctor, dentist or nurse - but you don't have Danish authorization.
Labor market affiliation (Arbejdsmarkeds-tilknytning)You work in Denmark, but have lost your Danish residence permit as a family member, refugee or accompanying family member.
Oil platforms and other mobile workplaces (Boreplatforme og andre flytbare arbejdspladser)You've been offered a job on an oil rig, drill ship or other vessel that briefly enters Danish territory.
Voluntary (Volontør)You will be working in Denmark as a volunteer. As a volunteer, you must carry out unpaid voluntary work of a social or humanitarian nature.
Secondary employment (Bibeskæftigelse)You want to apply for a work permit for a secondary job.
Job evaluation (Evaluerings-ansættelse)You need a residence permit to obtain a Danish authorization and a work permit for an assessment job.
Work permit for accompanying family members (Arbejdstilladelse til medfølgende familiemedlemmer)You have a residence permit as a family member accompanying a person working in Denmark and you need to apply for a work permit.

For more information, visit this site: Ny i Danmark

How to apply for a seasonal work visa in Denmark

The procedure for applying for a seasonal work visa in Denmark may seem complex at first. It all starts with choosing a work visa program based on your job offer and qualifications. You then need to create a case ID on the SIRI (Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration). The same site above.

Then, after paying the work visa fee, gather all the necessary documents: passport, work contract, academic qualifications, and Danish authorization (if required). Once your file is complete, all you have to do is submit it and wait for a reply.

Who can apply for a seasonal work visa in Denmark?

That's all well and good, but you're probably wondering who can apply for a seasonal work visa in Denmark? Well, there are certain conditions to be met. You need to be a non-European or Swiss national, have a valid passport, have a job offer from a Danish employer and meet the requirements of the specific visa scheme you're applying for.

Fees, duration and processing time for seasonal work visas in Denmark

As you can see, it's crucial to consider details such as fees, processing time and visa duration. For a work visa in Denmark, the fee is 4,405 DKK (about €591.92). Processing time can be up to 30 days, but some applications can be answered in as little as ten days.

The duration of the visa depends on the length of the employment contract, with work permits available for open-ended contracts of up to four years.

Other types of work visas in Denmark

The seasonal work visa is not the only type of work visa offered by Denmark. There are several other programs, such as the Green Card Scheme, the Positive List, the Fast Track Scheme, and many others. Each has its own unique advantages, offering a multitude of options for those considering working in Denmark.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Can I bring my family with me on a seasonal work visa to Denmark?
    Absolutely, you can apply for a residence permit for your spouse or partner and dependent children if you already have a residence permit in Denmark.
  2. Can I change to another type of visa while in Denmark?
    It may be possible to change your visa type if you meet the eligibility criteria for the new visa.
  3. How can I extend my seasonal work visa in Denmark?
    You can apply for an extension of your work and residence permit if your work contract lasts longer than the initial duration of your visa.


There's no denying that the Seasonal Work Visa Denmark 2023 offers a fantastic opportunity for non-European or Swiss nationals. By understanding the requirements, benefits, application process and fees, you can make an informed decision about your professional future. The Danish adventure is waiting for you!

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9 Responses

  1. I would also like to work in your country so that I can make my family's dreams come true. Thank you for your loyalty.

  2. All I ask is that you give me an oppotunity to live in your country with my little family so that I can offer a better education to my two little boys. I love your loyalty.

  3. Hello!
    I am a nurse and my wife is a physiotherapist.
    We'd love to immigrate to Denmark and work there!
    What's involved?
    Thank you

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