First steps in programming with Python: A guide for beginners who don't know where to start


With the emergence of artificial intelligence and Big Data, programming has become an increasingly essential skill, and Python is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in these fields. Easy to learn and packed with features, Python is the ideal choice for programming beginners. If you're sitting in front of your PC and want to learn Python, you may be wondering where to start. This article guides you through the steps you need to take to install Python, choose a development environment and start learning and practicing this powerful programming language.

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1ʳᵉ step: Install Python

The first step in learning Python is to install it on your computer. Go to the official website ( to download and install the latest version of Python.

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2ᵉ step: Choose a development environment

A development environment lets you write and run Python code. You can choose a simple text editor such as Notepad++, Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code, or an integrated development environment (IDE) specially designed for Python, such as PyCharm or Spyder. Install the development environment of your choice.

3ᵉ step: Test that everything works well with a first program

Now that you've installed Python and Notepad++ (as an example), here are the steps for testing whether everything is working properly :

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  1. Create a Python :
    • Open Notepad++.
    • Click on "File" in the menu bar, then on "New" to create a new file.
    • Save this file with the extension ".py", for example "". To do this, click on "File", then on "Save as", choose the location where you wish to save the file, enter the file name and select "Python file (*.py)" from the "Type" drop-down list.
  2. Write a simple Python program:
    • In the "" file you have just created, write the following code:
print("Hello, world!")
  1. Run the Python file :
    • Open the command prompt (or terminal) on your computer.
    • Go to the folder where you saved the "" file. For example, if you saved the file in "C:\Users\YourNameDocuments", use the following command:
cd C:\Users\YourNameDocuments
  • Run the Python file using the following command:
  1. Check the result:
    • If everything is working properly, you should see the message " Hello, world! "This will be displayed in the command prompt or terminal.

If you see the message "Hello, world!", this means that Python and Notepad++ are correctly installed and running on your computer. You can now start learning and practicing Python programming. We wish you good luck!

Python basics

Here are some basic concepts to get you started:

Variables :

Variables are storage spaces for data. In Python, you don't need to specify the data type when declaring variables.

x = 10
name = "Alice

Data types :

Python has several data types, such as integers (int), strings (str), floats (float) and booleans (bool).

integer = 42
string = "Hello
float = 3.14
booleen = True

Arithmetic operations :

Python lets you perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

a = 10
b = 3
addition = a + b
subtraction = a - b
multiplication = a * b
division = a / b

Control structures :

Control structures can be used to execute code according to certain conditions (if, elif, else) or to repeat instructions (for, while).

if a > b:
    print("a is greater than b")
elif a < b:
    print("a is smaller than b")
    print("a is equal to b")

for i in range(5):

while a < 20:
    a += 1

Functions :

Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task.

def greet(name):
    return "Hello, " + name


Listings :

Lists are collections of data that can be modified.

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Dictionaries :

Dictionaries are collections of key-value pairs.

my_dictionary = {"key": "value", "name": "Alice", "age": 30}

This is a very basic overview of Python.

Further information: Find learning resources

Look for tutorials and online courses for beginners, such as the official Python tutorial ('s interactive course ( or the "Python for Everybody" course on Coursera ( You can also consult books and guides, such as "Learn to program in Python" by Vincent Le Goff, "Python Crash Course" by Eric Matthes or "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart.

The essentials: Practice

Practice is the key to learning programming. Work on exercises and projects to put into practice what you've learned. You can find project ideas and exercises on sites such as Project Euler (, LeetCode (, etc.

Be Geek: Participate in communities

Join Python-related forums, groups and online communities to ask questions, share resources and interact with other Python learners. Some popular communities include the official Python forum (, the subreddit r/learnpython ( and Stack Overflow for Python (


Learning Python is a great way to acquire programming skills and take advantage of the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence and Big Data. By following these steps, you can start discovering Python today in front of your PC. Don't hesitate to ask questions and ask for help when you encounter difficulties. Programming can sometimes be complex, but with perseverance and commitment, you'll quickly master the basics and develop advanced skills in Python. Take advantage of this adventure to create exciting projects and meet stimulating challenges. Good luck with your Python learning!

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5 Responses

  1. After a lot of research, this simple article put me on the right path. It's nice to be able to create your first code and run it after half an hour... Your approach to explaining is both simple and strangely effective. I'm already ready to go further. Thanks

  2. Thank you for this article! I was lost and you showed me where to start. The explanations are clear and the practical examples really helped me understand the concepts. I have a question about loops: can you give a few more examples to illustrate the differences between "for" and "while" loops?

  3. I appreciate the tips and resources shared. However, I'm wondering if there are any common mistakes beginners should avoid when learning Python, and if so, how can they be avoided?

  4. I'm interested in data science and wanted to learn Python. This guide has been very helpful for me to understand the basics. I would like to know what are the best Python libraries for data science and if you could give some examples of how to use them.

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