Language learning styles: How to choose the most effective style for yourself?


There's one truth we must learn to accept: we don't all learn in the same way. Some of us are visual learners, preferring to see and observe things. Others are auditory learners, finding it easier to retain information when they hear it. Then there are those who are kinesthetic learners, who learn by doing and touching.

To master a new language, understanding our learning style can make all the difference. Learning style refers to the way a person assimilates and processes information. The theory behind this is that, by adapting teaching methods to our learning style, we can make teaching more effective and interesting.

Exploring learning pathways: Discovering learning styles

Before we delve into the fascinating world of learning styles, let's get a foot in the door: we are all learning creatures, constantly absorbing, processing and reacting to information. Yet the way we integrate this information varies greatly from person to person. Some of us are visual, others auditory, still others kinaesthetic or logical. These different ways of learning are what we call "learning styles".

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These styles aren't just labels we stick on our foreheads. They represent our natural preferences for receiving and processing information. Understanding these styles can be a major asset when learning a new language. So, what are these learning styles and how can they help us become language masters? Let's delve into this fascinating subject.

Visual learning style

For some of us, a picture is worth a thousand words. Visual learners tend to retain information more easily when it's presented in visual form. In language learning, this could mean using flashcards with pictures to memorize vocabulary, or using graphics to understand grammar.

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Visual learners can also benefit from observing native speakers. Watching films or videos in the target language can help to understand how words are pronounced and how expressions are used. are used in communication.

Auditory learning style

Most of us listen to music or podcasts. For auditory learners, these resources can be excellent tools for learning a new language. Auditory learners are often good sound imitators, which can be very useful for mastering the pronunciation of a new language.

Listening to dialogues or conversations in the target language can help auditory learners understand rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. What's more, repeating aloud what they've heard can reinforce their learning.

Kinesthetic learning style

As for kinesthetic learners, they learn by moving and doing. In language learning, this could mean practicing role-playing dialogues, writing texts in the target language or using gestures to memorize vocabulary.

Immersion learning, where you're surrounded by the language and forced to use it in real-life situations, can be particularly effective for kinaesthetic learners. After all, what could be more "kinaesthetic" than experiencing the language on a daily basis?

Logical learning style

Finally, some of us are logical learners. They prefer to understand the underlying structure of a language, such as grammar and syntax. For these learners, following structured lessons, solving grammar exercises or learning the language through rules and structures can be very effective.

However, even logical learners need to practice the language in real-life contexts to improve their communicative competence. As you can see, whatever your learning style, a blended approach is often the key to success in language learning.

Choosing the right learning style

That's all well and good, but how do you choose the right learning style to learn a new language? The first step is to ask yourself how you learn. Do you remember things better when you read or hear them? Do you need to practice to understand? That said, it's not always easy to determine your learning style. Sometimes, a combined approach can be the most beneficial.

Learning a language is a complex task that calls on different skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. As you can see, a blended approach that combines different learning styles can be ideal for learning a language. For example, you could listen to recordings to improve your listening comprehension, while using flashcards to memorize vocabulary.

Identifying your learning style: What tests should you take?

Self-evaluation tests

Self-assessment is a crucial first step in identifying your learning style. Think about how you learn best. Do you prefer to read information, listen to it, practice on your own, or analyze rules and structures? Take a moment to think about your past learning experiences and try to identify the techniques that seemed to work best for you.

Online questionnaires

Many online tests can help you determine your learning style. These tests usually ask you a series of questions about your learning preferences and study habits. Based on your answers, they assign you a learning style: visual, auditory, kinesthetic or logical.

Consultation with education professionals

If you're having trouble determining your learning style on your own, it may be helpful to consult an educational professional or guidance counselor. These professionals often have the experience and tools to help you understand your learning style.

Experiment with different learning methods

Finally, remember that the best way to determine what works for you is to try out different learning methods. Try learning a new language using different techniques and resources. See what you find most effective and enjoyable.

In the end, remember that understanding your learning style is an ongoing process of experimentation, reflection and adjustment. And while knowing your learning style can help you learn more effectively, the ultimate key to successful language learning is motivation and perseverance. So keep exploring, learning and adapting, and you'll find the path that suits you best.

The role of new technologies in language learning

The arrival of digital technologies has dramatically changed the way we learn languages. From language learning apps to online courses, we have more resources at our disposal than ever before.

These tools can offer a more interactive and personal learning experience. For example, many apps offer exercises that adapt to your skill level, allowing you to progress at your own pace. What's more, they can integrate different learning methods, making them an excellent option for those who prefer a blended approach.

The importance of motivation and perseverance

Choosing the right learning style is only the first step. To truly master a new language, you also need motivation and perseverance. Learning a language is a long journey that can be fraught with obstacles.

With this in mind, try to find out what motivates you to learn. It could be the desire to communicate with native speakers, to better understand a culture or to improve your career prospects. Whatever motivates you, keep it in mind when you encounter difficulties.

In conclusionThere is no "best" learning style for everyone. Each of us is unique, and the key is to find what works best for you. With the right approach to your learning style, a little motivation and a lot of perseverance, you can master any language you choose to learn.

Here's a short video to give you an idea:

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