Online course: Understanding the TOEFL Essentials test


Teachers, tutors and students will find in this course a way to understand the objectives, structure and content of the TOEFL Essentials test, so that future candidates can give their best on test day.

About the TOEFL Essentials test

Launched in 2021, TOEFL Essentials is the latest addition to the TOEFL test series. ETS designed to assess English language skills. It's a versatile test with a user-friendly, engaging format that combines the academic and general English skills needed in the classroom and in other contexts such as internships, interviews and interactions with others. It can be taken at home, from almost anywhere in the world.

The test also includes the Personal Video StatementThis unrated service allows candidates to share additional information about themselves and showcase their unique personalities to institutions.

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TOEFL Essentials course details

  • Test content: 50% Academic English and 50% General English.
  • The format: A progressive, multi-level structure with short, accelerated tasks that are modulated according to ability.
  • Time: 90 minutes
  • Features: Instant reading and listening scores at the end of the test.

What you'll learn

You'll learn about the test's knowledge base, the question types in each section (listening, reading, writing and speaking), tips for each question type and resources for test takers, teachers and counselors.

  • How the TOEFL Essentials test was designed, including the elements of the multi-step adaptive test.
  • What safety measures are used to administer and monitor this home test?
  • Types of questions, what they measure and how they are perceived by the candidate for each section: Listening, reading, writing and speaking.
  • Advice for candidates on preparing for the TOEFL Essentials test, including specific advice on question types.
  • How the test is scored and how scores are reported.
  • The main differences between TOEFL Essentials, TOEFL iBT and other English tests.

Visit the official ETS website via the following link:

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